Since the beginning of time humans have needed to avoid toxins in their environment in order to survive and raise healthy children.  From contaminated drinking water to infested insects, not all toxic environments are visible and/or obvious.  Further, not everyone agrees as to what is hazardous to human health.  Though mostly settled now controversies have raged as to whether cigarettes, asbestos, and benzene are harmful to human health.  Currently, there are disputes as to whether microbiological contamination (sick building syndrome/mold infestation), plastic chemical pollutants, electromagnetic fields and petrochemicals cause harm to humans and if so at what levels of exposure.  This area of the website is designed to provide basic information on some chemical and microbiological toxins that would be best to avoid. 

If you feel you have been poisoned, it is important to seek medical help to determine how to best detoxify your system.  It is then a good idea to contact the authorities and/or file a law suit to make sure that the contamination is cleaned up and no further pollution occurs.