Bob Binder, Attorney at Law
406 Sterzing, Second Floor
Austin, Texas 78704
Board Certified as Personal Injury Trial Lawyer by the State Bar of
Bob Binder has been helping clients against big business, insurance companies, and other wrong doers for over thirty years. His firm handles catastrophic Personal Injury claims including car wrecks, truck collisions, bus accidents, wrongful death, hazardous condition, work injury, fire, & construction accident claims.
Texas Lawyer Bob Binder has been licenced in the State of Texas since 1972 . He helps Texans that have been wrongfully injured or killed by the negligence or wrongful willful of another. He handles large personal injury claims across Texas as well as smaller car wreck cases, construction accident, unsafe work place, negligent construction, catastrophic medical malpractice, failure to disclose known dangerous condition, and other injury or death claims in the Austin area.
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