Becerra, Colgin, & Perwin, LLC.
Texas Lawyers

2512 First Street (HWY. 36)
Rosenberg, Texas 77471
(281) 344-2512

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Business Law

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Family Law Criminal Law Business Law Probate Law Personal Injury

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The rapid growth of Computer and Internet Technology has fueled a need for Computer and Internet Law (Cyberlaw). Cyberlaw is a relatively new area of law that is really a combination of numerous other areas of law. The difference between Cyberlaw and other traditional areas of law is that in Cyberlaw, previously decided legal issues are being challenged and need to be re-examined because of advances in technology. 

The Cyberlaw part of Becerra, Colgin, and Perwin's practice includes helping individuals and small businesses draft contracts, license agreements, and screen disclaimers as well as advising them on Domain Dispute, computer software and hardware defect, Microsoft Anti-trust, Southwestern Bell Anti-trust, Freedom of Speech, Jursidictional, Copyright, and Liability issues.

For more information about Cyberlaw, please see my Essays on Legal Issues in Cyberlaw as well as the Library Articles. 

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