Asbestos Products Can Cause Serious Injuries and Death: Persons That Have Been Exposed To Asbestos Products And Have Mesothelioma or other Asbestos Related Cancer May Have An Asbestos Product Lawsuit by Texas International Mesothelioma Lawyer and Texas International Asbestos Product Lawyer Jason S. Coomer
Some companies have taken asbestos products that cannot be sold in the United States and have sold the asbestos products in other countries. This product dumping of dangerous asbestos insulation, asbestos block, and other asbestos products can cause serious health problems including mesotheliome, lung cancer, and other health problems. International companies including Texas companies and other companies in the United States that dump dangerous products in other countries and cause significant harm can sometimes be brought into the Texas courts to answer for their wrongful dumping and be made to pay money compensation for their wrongful acts.
If you have mesothelioma or another cancer caused by asbestos exposure or have lost a loved one through mesothelioma or asbestos exposure, use our free online submission form or contact Texas Mesothelioma Lawyer, Jason Coomer via e-mail, for a free review of your potential claim. He handles asbestos product dumping cases, asbestos secondary exposure claims, asbestos death claims, asbestos premises liability claims, asbestos negligence abatement claims, and asbestos non-subscriber claims.
What is Asbestos and What Asbestos Products May Be Dangerous?
Asbestos fibers are strong, durable, and resist heat, acids, and friction. As such these extremely durable fibers have useful physical properties that have made them popular to be used in thousands of refinery, pipeline, shipping, chemical, commercial building, residential building, and industrial products. Below are just some types of asbestos products:
Asbestos Industrial Insulation - Asbestos product are used in chemical processing including refineries types of asbestos products including pipe insulation, boiler insulation and block, block insulation; sprayed in insulation; blown in insulation; thermal paper products; and electrical wiring insulation. Typically these products are most dangerous when they are being cut, torn apart, or applied. This is because asbestos fibers can be kicked into the air.
Asbestos Cement, Spackling, Patching & Taping Compounds - several different types of asbestos compounds have also been made including asbestos cement, asbestos caulking, asbestos putties, asbestos joint compounds, asbestos adhesives, asbestos tapes, asbestos thermal taping compounds. These products are useful for thermal protection and help seal in heat. The products are most dangerous when mixing them or when tearing them apart.
Asbestos Fireproofing Texture Products - several different asbestos cloths and textured products have also been developed including asbestos acoustical plaster, asbestos decorative plaster, asbestos textured paint, asbestos textured coatings, asbestos fire blankets, asbestos fire curtains, fire doors)
Asbestos Textiles and Asbestos Cloth Products (includes blankets, protective cloth coverings, garments, asbestos gloves, threads, cords, yarns, braids)
Asbestos Gaskets and Packing (includes high temperature gaskets, packings for industrial products, high pressure packing, asbestos packing reinforced with steel or copper wire)
Asbestos Tiles, Asbestos Wallboard, Asbestos Siding and Asbestos Roofing (includes roofing shingles, roofing felt, base flashing, cement wallboard, cement siding, ceiling tiles and lay–in panels, asphalt floor tile, vinyl floor tile, vinyl sheet flooring, flooring backing, vinyl wall coverings)
Asbestos may also be found in Cement Pipes, Elevator Brake Shoes, Cement Wallboard, HVAC Duct Insulation, Cement Siding Boiler Insulation, Asphalt Floor Tile, Breaching Insulation, Vinyl Floor Tile, Ductwork, Flexible Fabric Connections, Vinyl Sheet Flooring, Cooling Towers, Flooring Backing, Pipe Insulation (corrugated air-cell, block, etc.), Construction Mastics (floor tile, carpet, ceiling tile, etc.), Heating and Electrical Ducts, Acoustical Plaster Electrical Panel Partitions, Decorative Plaster, Electrical Cloth, Textured Paints/Coatings, Electric Wiring Insulation, Ceiling Tiles and Lay-in Panels, Chalkboards, Spray-Applied Insulation, Roofing Shingles, Blown-in Insulation, Roofing Felt Fireproofing, Materials Base, Flashing Taping Compounds (thermal), Thermal Paper Products, Packing Materials (for wall/floor penetrations), Fire Doors High Temperature Gaskets, Caulking/Putties, Laboratory Hoods/Table Tops, Adhesives, Laboratory Gloves, Wallboard, Fire Blankets, Joint Compounds, Fire Curtains, Vinyl Wall Coverings, Elevator Equipment, Panels Spackling Compounds, Automotive Parts, Elevator Equipment Panels, Ductwork, Electrical Panel Partitions, Electrical Cloth, Cooling towers, and Chalkboards.
Today despite OSHA regulations it is estimated that 1.3 million United States employees in construction and general industry face significant asbestos exposure on the job. Heaviest exposures occur in the construction industry, particularly during the removal of asbestos during renovation or demolition. Employees are also likely to be exposed during the manufacture of asbestos products (such as textiles, friction products, insulation, and other building materials) and during automotive brake and clutch repair work.
When are Asbestos Products the Most Dangerous?
The term "asbestos" describes six naturally occurring fibrous minerals, namely chrysotile, amosite, crocidolite, tremolite, anthophylitte and actinolite. When mined and processed, asbestos is typically separated into very thin bundles of fibers and then commonly mixed with a binder during processing. These fibers when floating in the air can be breathed into the human body and actually hook into lungs creating severe health problems including mesothelioma, lung cancer, throat cancer, and pulmonary asbestosis.
If you have been working with asbestos products, it is important to be aware if you have the following symptoms:
- Shortness of breath, wheezing, or hoarseness.
- A persistent cough that gets worse over time.
- Blood in the sputum (fluid) coughed up.
- Pain or tightening in the chest.
- Difficulty swallowing.
- Swelling of the neck or face.
- Loss of appetite.
- Weight loss.
- Fatigue or anemia.
- Fever, night sweat
When did We Start Using Asbestos Products and When Did We Realize Asbestos Was Dangerous?
Asbestos has been known to man for centuries and has been used in literally hundreds of products. Asbestos was used because it is strong, insulates well, and resists fire and corrosion. Common modern uses are as thermal pipe and boiler insulation, spray-applied fire proofing and sound proofing, floor coverings, ceiling tiles, roofing materials and "transite" pipe and sheeting.
In the United States, asbestos became widely used in the early 1900s and its use peaked during the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s. Despite wide spread use of asbestos many asbestos manufacturers and industry insiders became aware of the serious health issues surrounding asbestos in the 1930s and 1940s, but kept the information secret from workers and from the public. In the 1970s the Federal government stepped in and regulated the use of asbestos products. It is also now commonly agreed that exposure to asbestos can cause mesothelioma, lung cancer, and other health problems.
What is Asbestos Product Dumping?
As an Austin Mesothelioma Lawyer, Houston Mesothelioma Lawyer, and San Antonio Mesothelioma Lawyer, Jason Coomer has worked on a wide variety of cases and has had the opportunity to work with and against some excellent lawyers including Dallas Mesothelioma Lawyers, Houston Mesothelioma Lawyers, San Antonio Mesothelioma Lawyers, and Austin Mesothelioma Lawyers. Assembling litigation teams of Texas Mesothelioma Lawyers for the larger cases and building multimedia presentations for large trials, mediations, arbitrations, and hearings can be time consuming, but when you are dealing with someone's life and the devastation that can be caused by asbestos exposure, the effort is worth it. Individualized attention to a Texas Mesothelioma Claim is extremely important. Make sure that you have a Texas Mesothelioma Attorney that knows your name and is familiar with your asbestos death claim or asbestos personal injury claim as well as your wants and needs.
If you have been seriously injured or have lost a loved one through the wrongful actions of another, feel free to contact Austin Mesothelioma Lawyer, Jason Coomer, with your name, dates of exposure, location of exposure, injuries or loss, and name of the potential defendant for a free review of your potential claim.
International Asbestos Product Dumping Lawyer,Texas International Mesothelioma Lawyer and Texas International Asbestos Product Lawyer
Texas Toxic Exposure Lawyer Jason Coomer has worked on several asbestos exposure claims including mesothelioma claims, cancer claims, and pulmonary asbestosis claims for insulators, ship builders, refinery workers, construction workers, asbestos abatement workers, maintenance workers, and others exposed to asbestos products.
International Asbestos Product Dumping Lawyers, Texas International Mesothelioma Lawyers and Texas International Asbestos Product Lawyers
In assembling litigation teams of Texas Mesothelioma Lawyers for the larger cases, Jason Coomer works with Dallas asbestos claim Lawyers, Houston asbestos claim Lawyers, San Antonio asbestos claim Lawyers, and other Austin asbestos claim Lawyers.
If you have been seriously injured or have lost a loved one through the wrongful actions of another, feel free to contact asbestos lawyer Jason Coomer with your name, dates of exposure, location of exposure, nature of the injuries or loss, and name of the potential defendant. I am available for a free review of your potential claim.
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