Texas Asbestos Secondary Exposure Lawyer Handles Texas Asbestos Secondary Exposure Lawsuits Where Asbestos Brought Home By Workers Caused Their Families to Suffer Mesothelioma by Texas Asbestos Secondary Exposure Lawyer and Texas Mesothelioma Lawyer Jason Coomer
Texas Asbestos Secondary Exposure Lawyer Jason Coomer has worked on several primary and secondary asbestos exposure claims including mesothelioma claims and other asbestos disease claims. Secondary exposure claims include asbestos claims by the spouses, widows, and families of asbestos workers including insulators, pipefitters, ship builders, refinery workers, construction workers, asbestos abatement workers, maintenance workers, and other asbestos workers who received exposure to asbestos fibers and dust that were brought home on the clothes of asbestos workers. Many family members were unknowingly exposed to asbestos fibers and have breathed in fibers causing mesothelioma and other forms of cancer.
If you have a mesothelioma claim or other asbestos disease claim caused by primary or secondary asbestos exposure or have lost a loved one through mesothelioma or asbestos exposure, use our online submission form or contact Texas Asbestos Lawyer, Jason Coomer, for a free review of your potential claim.
Asbestos Primary Exposure Claims
Common modern uses are as thermal pipe and boiler insulation, spray-applied fire proofing and sound proofing, floor coverings, ceiling tiles, roofing materials and "transite" pipe and sheeting. In the United States, asbestos became widely used in the early 1900s and its use peaked during the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s. During this time millions of workers were exposed to asbestos products. The workers that built many of our refineries, manufacturing plants, ships, chemical plants, and other infastructure during the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s. This included many pipefitters, insulators, refinery workers, pipefitter helpers, engineers, and other workers that worked along the Texas Gulf Coast. During this time the petrochemical and ship building industry around Houston and Port Arthur were growing quickly as such workers in Texas City, Deer Park, Pasadena, and other small towns along the Texas Ship Channel were exposed to asbestos products.
Despite wide spread use of asbestos many asbestos manufacturers and industry insiders became aware of the serious health issues surrounding asbestos in the 1930s and 1940s, but kept the information secret from workers and from the public. In the 1970s the Federal government stepped in and regulated the use of asbestos products. It is also now commonly agreed that exposure to asbestos can cause mesothelioma, lung cancer, and other health problems.
Asbestos Secondary Exposure Claims
Many families along the Houston Ship Channel were supported by workers that were exposed to high levels of asbestos fibers. Many of these workers unknowingly brought asbestos fibers and asbestos dust home exposing their wives and families to toxic dust fibers that were inhaled. These secondary exposure claims are becoming more common along the Houston Ship Channel area as more and more wives and widows of asbestos workers are now coming down with mesothelioma and other asbestos diseases. If you are the spouse or family member of an asbestos worker and are experiencing severe symptoms including the following symptoms, you should be screened for asbestos diseases:
1) Shortness of breath, wheezing, or
2) A persistent cough that gets worse over time.
3) Blood in the sputum (fluid) coughed up.
4) Pain or tightening in the chest.
5) Difficulty swallowing.
6) Swelling of the neck or face.
7) Loss of appetite.
8) Weight loss.
9) Fatigue or anemia.
10) Fever, night sweat
Other Asbestos Primary Exposure Worker & Construction Worker Claims
Today despite being better regulated over 1 million employees in construction and general industry face significant asbestos exposure on the job. Many of these exposures occur in the construction industry, particularly during the removal of asbestos products in the renovation or demolition process. Numerous construction workers are now dismantling many of the buildings and refineries that were built with asbestos products. These workers are often not given proper respiratory protection and sustain heavy primary exposure from the demolition of buildings that cause asbestos fibers to be knocked into the air. Many of these construction workers and abatement workers will have mesothelioma and other asbestos diseases in the future. Employees are also likely to be exposed during the manufacture of asbestos products (such as textiles, friction products, insulation, and other building materials) and during automotive brake and clutch repair work.
Asbestos Secondary Exposure is Still Occurring
The families and spouses of these
hardworking construction workers that are tearing down
asbestos filled buildings, refineries, and manufacturing
plants are still receiving asbestos exposure from
construction and demolition companies that do not take
proper asbestos abatement procedures. Wives and
children of these construction workers greet their hard
working husbands and fathers at home and unknowingly receive
exposure to high levels of asbestos fibers that can cause
mesothelioma and asbestos diseases later in life.
If someone you know has mesothelioma or other form of cancer
related to Asbestos exposure it is important that they get
the best medical care that they can find and that the source
of their exposure is stopped. If you have any questions feel
free to send an
e-mail to Texas Asbestos Lawyer, Jason Coomer.
As an Austin Mesothelioma Lawyer, Houston Mesothelioma Lawyer, and San Antonio Mesothelioma Lawyer, Jason Coomer has worked on a wide variety of cases and has had the opportunity to work with and against some excellent lawyers including Dallas Mesothelioma Lawyers, Houston Mesothelioma Lawyers, San Antonio Mesothelioma Lawyers, and Austin Mesothelioma Lawyers. Assembling litigation teams of Texas Mesothelioma Lawyers for the larger cases and building multimedia presentations for large trials, mediations, arbitrations, and hearings. Individualized attention to a Texas Mesothelioma Claim is extremely important. Make sure that you have a Texas Mesothelioma Attorney that knows your name and is familiar with your asbestos death claim or asbestos personal injury claim as well as your wants and needs.
If you have been seriously injured or
have lost a loved one through the wrongful actions of
feel free to contact Austin Mesothelioma Lawyer, Jason
Coomer, with your name, dates of exposure, location of
exposure, injuries or loss, and name of the potential
defendant for a free review of your potential claim.
Wrongful Death Claims
- As a Texas Asbestos Death Lawyer handling asbestos death
claims, Mesothelioma Claim Lawyer, Jason Coomer assists the
families of the deceased and assert their rights after a
death caused by asbestos exposure. He helps the family
pursue asbestos death claims including people injured in
Texas or killed by corporations in Texas that sell dangerous
asbestos products.
Premises Liability & Dangerous Condition Claims - Numerous people are injured and killed each year by dangerous asbestos conditions and hazardous hidden traps. Asbestos hidden in old refineries, chemical plants, schools, commercial buildings, homes, and other buildings can cause severe disease and even death. Many times property owners or premises maintainers know or through a reasonable inspection should have known about hidden asbestos products, but don't want to spend the money for proper asbestos abatement. When attempting to seek compensation from the premises owner/maintainer for negligently exposing workers to asbestos or fraudulently concealing asbestos, an injured person or the family of an injured person often needs assistance proving liability and damages as well as avoiding traps that many insurance adjusters set to avoid paying just claims.
Toxic Exposure Claims - Microbiological contamination (sick building syndrome/mold infestation), Chemical Pollutants, electromagnetic fields, lead paint, insecticides, Mercury, bad drugs, and petrochemicals are just a few know toxins that can cause harm to humans.
In assembling litigation teams of Texas Mesothelioma Lawyers for the larger cases, Jason Coomer works with Dallas asbestos claim Lawyers, Houston asbestos claim Lawyers, San Antonio asbestos claim Lawyers, and other Austin asbestos claim Lawyers.
If you have been seriously injured or have lost a loved one through the wrongful actions of another, feel free to contact asbestos lawyer Jason Coomer with your name, dates of exposure, location of exposure, nature of the injuries or loss, and name of the potential defendant. I am available for a free review of your potential claim.
Feel Free to Contact Us with any Questions