Every Year Thousands of Texas Are Killed in Fatal Accidents by Texas Fatal Accident Lawyer and Texas Accident Death Lawyer
Every year thousands of Texans are killed by the negligence of drunk drivers, careless businesses, and negligent property owners. The most common type of fatal accidents are automobile collisions where a drunk or careless driver crashes into another vehicle or runs over a pedestrian or cyclist. Texas fatal automobile accidents are one of the leading causes of death for persons under 50 years of age and the families of those killed are commonly under compensated by insurance companies. Fatal workplace accidents are another cause of death that has been increasing as safety standards have been weakened under the Bush Administration.
If a family member of yours was killed by the careless or negligent actions of a business, property owner, or driver and you have questions about a potential Texas fatal accident lawsuit, feel free to submit an inquiry for a Free Online Case Evaluation or send an e-mail to Austin Texas Fatal Accident Lawyer Jason Coomer at AustinFatalAccidentLawyer@texaslawyers.com.
Austin Fatal Accident Lawsuits and Claims
In the wake of a fatal accident, it is difficult to know what to do. You are often in a state of shock. Your World has turned upside down and you have lost a person that is close to you. In these situations, it is difficult to do anything but grieve. Unfortunately, this is the time that many insurance companies will use to attempt to collect evidence to avoid paying a claim. Many insurance adjusters and risk managers will go to the scene of a fatal accident in order to minimize the liability of the people that caused the accident. Many will also begin calling witnesses as well as widows and grieving parents in an attempt to find a way to avoid paying a claim. In many of these situations these adjusters and risk managers will record telephone conversations and later attempt to use any information that obtain to avoid paying a claim or reduce the amount that they will offer. Be careful who you speak with any a fatal accident.
Austin Texas Fatal Accident Lawyer
After a fatal accident, it is important to have an experienced Texas Fatal Accident Lawyer that provides protection between you and adjusters & risk managers. An experienced Texas Fatal Accident Lawyer also knows how to investigate a fatal accident as well as gather and preserve the evidence that is necessary to prove liability as well as damages. For more information on investigating a fatal accident go to our article on investigating a fatal accident written by Austin Fatal Accident Lawyer Jason S. Coomer.
Austin Texas Fatal Automobile Accident Lawyer
Automobile accidents that result in someone's death should be properly investigated to determine what happened and to make sure that other people are not injured in similar fatal accidents. In addition to the police investigation, insurance companies typically investigate fatal automobile accidents to determine and limit their liability in any fatal automobile accident claims that may arise out of a fatal accident. Many times the insurance adjuster, trucking company representatives, or courier service representatives will be sent to a fatal accident site in attempt to protect the insurance company or business from liability. The information obtained through these investigations as well as the police investigation can be extremely important in performing an independent investigation of the fatal accident.
It is also important that your lawyer is familiar with the accident scene as well as any investigations that have been done regarding the fatal automobile accident. Texas fatal automobile accident lawyer, Jason Coomer, performs thorough investigations on the facts surrounding fatal automobile accident claims including obtaining driver background checks; reviewing trucking company & courier company investigations & records; inspecting the vehicles involved in the fatal accident; and going to the scene of the fatal automobile accident. He feels it is important to thoroughly investigate every fatal automobile accident claim that he decides to handle.
Austin Texas Fatal Accident Claim Lawyer
Austin Texas Fatal Automobile Accident Lawyer Jason Coomer has years of litigation experience and the necessary knowledge to make sure that a fatal automobile accident claim is fully investigated under the law. He investigates what caused the fatal automobile accident and if the driver that caused the fatal accident was drunk, on drugs, driving reckless, under aged, properly trained, in a hurry or running late, speeding, on a cell phone, or not paying attention. He helps the families of those killed determine what happened to their loved ones and seek compensation from those that were at fault. He prides himself on successfully battling large insurance companies, trucking companies, and delivery services to make sure they pay adequate compensation for fatal automobile accidents caused by drunk, reckless, careless, or negligent drivers. He handles fatal car crash claims and fatal truck collision claims throughout Texas including Austin, San Antonio, Dallas, and Houston.
Please feel free to contact The Law Offices of Jason S. Coomer for additional information on fatal vehicle collisions, fatal truck accidents, and fatal car crashes. Don't think that if you loved one was killed in an automobile collision that the insurance industry will take care of you or voluntarily pay you for your loss. They probably won't. In fact, many insurance adjusters will offer low settlement amounts hoping that you will sign away your claim. Some insurance adjusters even delay and allow the statute of limitations to run relieving the insurance company of any liability.
Austin Texas Work Place Death Lawsuits and Claims
Work places can be extremely dangerous. Falling objects, dangerous machinery, serious falls, electrocutions, explosions, toxic exposure, drunk drivers, hidden traps, and several other dangerous conditions can kill workers. It is estimated that over 6,800 workers per year are killed in on the job work related accidents. This does not include undocumented workers and many workers killed by toxic exposures. For more information on Texas Work Place Death Lawsuits and Texas Fatal Work Place Accident Claims go to the following webpage.
If you have lost a person that you love from a fatal workplace accident and need a Texas Accidental Death Lawyer to investigate an accidental death claim, please feel free to e-mail Texas Accidental Death Lawyer Jason Coomer with your name & contact information or use our online form for a free case evaluation.
Austin Fatal Truck Accident Claims
The trucking industry is a multi-billion dollar industry that is essential to our economy. Unfortunately, with these large vehicles driving on our roads and highways comes the potential of catastrophic damages. Untrained, overworked, or inexperienced drivers all too often lose control of their vehicles causing them to jackknife, overturn, or collide with passenger vehicles. When this happens it is typically the passengers of the smaller vehicle that suffer. If a large commercial truck killed someone you love it is a good idea to obtain excellent legal representation to protect to make sure that a proper investigation as to the cause of the collision in done. You need a Texas Fatal Truck Accident Lawyer that will thoroughly investigate the accident claim.
Austin Texas Fatal Construction Accident Lawyer
As an Austin Fatal Construction Accident Lawyer, Jason Coomer has fought for the rights of injured individuals and the families of people that have been wrongfully killed after a construction accident. Whether a construction worker, engineer, architect, plumber, carpenter, or electrician is injured by a hazardous trap, dangerous defect, careless actions of management, or the negligence of another, individuals often need assistance from an Austin Texas Fatal Construction Accident Lawyer in dealing with and seeking money compensation from insurance companies and large corporations for the damages that they have suffered.
Austin Texas Fatal Accident Lawyer
For a free
evaluation of an Austin Fatal Accident Lawsuit, Texas Fatal
Accident Lawsuit, or Travis County Fatal Accident Lawsuit
including vehicle collisions, work place accidents, home
accidents, boating accidents, fires, construction accidents,
bus crashes, truck accidents, motorcycle wrecks, or car
crashes, please feel free to
contact Austin Fatal Accident Lawyer Jason S. Coomer.
Please include the date of the accident, location of
accident, your name, name and relation of person killed, and
a brief description of the accident.
Feel Free to Contact Us with any Questions