Austin Probate Litigation Lawyer handles Contested Probate Cases Throughout Central Texas

Austin Probate Litigation Lawyer Jason Coomer handles contested and uncontested probate lawsuits. As such, he commonly represents families, executors, beneficiaries, heirs and trustees after they have lost a loved one. For questions on a probate matter including contested and uncontested probate, inheritance, and estate matters, contact us online or feel free to send an e-mail message to Austin Probate Litigation Lawyer, Austin Inheritance Lawyer and Austin Will Contest Lawyer Jason S. Coomer.

Austin Probate Litigation Lawyer | Austin Texas Probate Lawyer

Probate litigation can be required after a loved one dies. It is common that an unexpected death, lack of estate planning, undue influence from a caretaker, or fraud can cause an estate to be drawn into litigation. All too often people that are grieving for the loss of their loved one are taken by surprise when litigation is necessary to protect their loved ones wishes and inheritance rights. Austin probate litigation attorney, Jason S. Coomer, has dealt with many probate litigation lawsuits and understands many issues that family and loved one go through during probate litigation.

Austin Probate Litigation Lawyer Helps Heirs, Beneficiaries, Executors and Trustees

All too often a loved dies unexpectedly and does not leave a Will or any directions on what needs to be done if they die. In these situations, a Texas Probate Court will apply intestate statutes to determine the rightful heirs of the decedent's property. For more information on Texas intestate law distribution feel free to go to the following web page Texas intestate law. In these situations where the decedent has substantial wealth and real property, the decedent's estate will often have to go through the Texas Probate Courts to determine who the proper heirs are, to settle the decedent's estate, and transfer wealth to the rightful heirs. For more information on this process, feel free to go to this web page on Texas Suits to Determine Heirs.

On other occasions the death of a loved one brings in estranged family, fraudulent claims of inheritance, and vultures that prey on the disabled or those left behind. In these cases, it can be difficult to gather up information on what property is in their estate or to fight off aggressive family members from wrongfully taking inheritance. In these situations, it is often best to have an experienced Austin Texas Probate Lawyer help you through the probate process and explain your rights and what needs to be done to protect the rightful heirs and beneficiaries of an estate.

Austin Travis County Texas Probate Attorney, Jason Coomer, helps families through the probate process and vigorously defends rightful heirs and beneficiaries from those that attempt to take advantage of a death or disability by trying to fraudulently steal from an estate.

Austin Probate Litigation Lawyer Investigates Unclaimed Wealth (Real Estate, Oil Interests, Bank Accounts, and Stock)

In addition to what is inherited, there is a significant amount of unclaimed wealth including bank accounts, houses, oil interests, safety deposit boxes, stocks, and other wealth that is forgotten about. In our modern society families don't always live close and some wealth is lost or forgotten. Death or incapacity is not always anticipated and many people will unfortunately loose track of stocks, bank accounts, oil interests, and other wealth. It is a good idea to keep a safety deposit box with an inventory of all your assets and have people that you trust that can get access to your safety deposit box should something happen to you.

It is also becoming more common for family members not living close to a recently deceased relative to not know how to handle a probate matter or have enough money to clear title to property. In these instances it is good to locate a local attorney that can assist in appraising an estate including real estate and houses to determine if it would be beneficial to probate an estate or to determine the most efficient method to clear title to property.

Austin Texas Inheritance Lawyer, Jason Coomer helps families evaluate the estates of their lost loved ones to determine if a full probate is necessary and if so if the probate is economically feasible.

Austin Will Probate Lawyer, Jason Coomer works with families, beneficiaries and executors to navigate the probate courts and get estates settled.

Austin Probate Litigation Lawyer Helps Families

Austin Will Probate Lawyer works with executors, beneficiaries, heirs, and families to probate Wills after they have lost a loved one. For questions regarding the probate of a Texas Will, please feel free to read below or send an e-mail message to Austin Will Probate Attorney Jason S. Coomer at

What Happens During the Will Probate Process

After a person dies, the Will and a death certificate need to be filed in the probate court or county court where the decedent resided when they died. After both the Will and Death Certificate are filed with the proper court, a hearing has to held where the death of the decedent is proven, the Will is to be determined to be valid, and the executor is sworn in and appointed.

This process is called probate a Will. It is often helpful to have a probate lawyer assist at the executor at court in proving that the decedent actually died, the Will is valid, and the executor is qualified and able to serve as the executor. Once the Will is probated and the executor is appointed the probate attorney assists in making sure that proper notices are given to creditors, locating assets, and preparing an inventory which needs to be filed with the court.

Austin Probate Litigation Lawyers Help Executors

An executor is the person in a Will who carries out the wishes of the decedent as is in the decedent's Will. The Executor or executrix in female form is a legal term referring to a person named by a maker of a will, or nominated by the testator, to carry out the directions of the will. Typically the executor is the person responsible for offering the will for probate. The executor's duties include gathering and protecting the assets in an estate, obtaining information about any other potential heirs; collecting and arranging for payment of debts of the estate; notifying, approving or disapproving creditors' claims; and the disbursing property to the beneficiaries as designated in the will. An executor also makes sure estate taxes are calculated, necessary forms are filed and tax payments made, and in all ways assists the attorney for the estate. Also the executor makes all donations as left in bequests to charitable and other organizations as directed in the will. In most circumstances the executor is the representative of the estate for all purposes, and has the ability to sue or be sued on behalf of the estate. The executor also holds legal title to the estate property, but may not use that property for the executor's own benefit unless expressly permitted by the terms of the will.

Where there is no will, a person is said to have died intestate - "without testimony". As a result, there can be no actual 'testimony' to follow, and hence there can be no executor. If there is no will or where the executors named in a will do not wish to act, an administrator of the deceased's estate may instead be appointed. The generic term for executors or administrators is personal representative.

The executor will typically work with a lawyer to file the Will for probate, obtain letters of testament, make the necessary public notices concerning the estate, determine and protect assets, calculate liabilities of the estate, pull together an inventory of the estate, and distribute the assets to the beneficiaries.

Austin Texas Probate and Inheritance Lawyer

Texas Probate Lawyer Jason Coomer handles Texas Probate matters including probating Wills, helping Executors, drafting Wills, contesting Wills, filing Suits to Determine Rightful Heirs of property and estates, filing Small Estate Affidavits, filing Affidavits of Heirship, filing Applications for Guardianships, fighting Involuntary Guardianships, filing Guardianship Reports, filing breach of fiduciary duty claims, estate planning, and clearing title to property and assets.

Texas Probate Litigation Lawyer Helps Fulfill Last Wishes

Texas probate litigation Lawyer, Jason Coomer handles inheritance issues and probate matters in the Austin area. Please feel free to send an e-mail to Austin Probate Litigation Lawyer Jason S. Coomer.

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