Texas Contaminated Drug Lawyer Handles Contaminated Drug Lawsuits, Contaminated Drug Death Lawsuits, and other Contaminated Drug Lawsuits by Texas Contaminated Drug Lawyer Jason S. Coomer
Contaminated drug lawsuits are on the rise as drug companies and pharmacies try to increase their profits at the expense of quality control, good ingredients, and good manufacturing practices. As a result of these contaminated drugs and adulterated drugs being sold to people that need medication, an increasing number of people including children do not receive the medications that they need and some are seriously injured or even killed by the dangerous and defective drugs that they are given. If you or a loved one has been seriously injured by a contaminated drug or a loved one has been killed by a contaminated drug, please feel free to submit an inquiry on our online submission form or please feel free to send an e-mail message to Texas Contaminated Drug Lawyer Jason Coomer.
Contaminated Drug Lawsuits, Adulterated Drug Lawsuits and Contaminated Drug Death Lawsuits
Contaminated drug lawsuits can include a variety of types of legal claims including wrongful death claims, product liability claims, medical malpractice claims, DTPA claims, fraud claims, qui tam claims, and survival action claims. When reviewing a contaminated drug claim, it is important to understand the potential legal claims surrounding the potential contaminated drug lawsuit and evaluate the evidence needed to proceed with the lawsuit.
Additionally, contaminated drug lawsuits will often be fought vigorously by the drug company or pharmacy that prepared the contaminated drug or adulterated drug. As such, it is important to keep the unused portion of drug, all documentation regarding the prescription, any medical records regarding the injuries or death caused by the drug and all other available evidence of the contaminated or adulterated drug.
Contaminated drug lawsuits usually have some claims that fall into product liability law as well as medical malpractice law. Product Liability Claims and Medical Malpractice Claims that stem from contaminated drugs can be extremely complicated and expensive to develop. Many of these contaminated drug claims have aspects of medicine, science, evidence, and law to investigate, examine, and prove. To do this it is common to hire multiple experts to prove that a medication is defective and that it caused harm to a particular person or particular group of people. For this reason many defective medication claims require severe damages and/or multiple injured parties to be viable.
Even when a dangerous medication has caused serious damages, it can be quite a fight to prove that a medication is defective. Fighting through industry produced research and discovering hidden adverse research can be difficult. This is because the product's manufacturer has typically invested a significant amount of money in designing the product, manufacturing the product, and marketing the product. For some dangerous drugs billions of dollars have been invested in designing, manufacturing, marketing, and distributing the defective drug. As such, everyone in the production and distribution lines have a stake in disproving that the medication is defective or dangerous.
Filing a Contaminated Drug Lawsuit Can Prevent Others From Being Injured or Killed By Similar Contaminated Drugs
By filing a contaminated drug lawsuit, it will bring attention to the drug company or pharmacy that produced the contaminated drug and will help force the drug company or pharmacy to improve their manufacturing and compounding practices to prevent future similar deaths and injuries from occuring.
Contaminated Drug Lawyer Jason S. Coomer Handles Contaminated Drug Lawsuits, Bad Drug Lawsuits, Adulterated Drug Lawsuits, Contaminated Drug Death Lawsuits and other Drug Product Liability Lawsuits
Texas contaminated drug lawyer, Jason S. Coomer, helps individuals and their families that have been injured or damaged by contaminated medications and dangerous drugs. Because of the size, complexity, and expense of most product liability claims, Jason Coomer commonly works with other contaminated drug lawyers across the United States as well as around the World to prosecute product liability claims. He has worked with San Antonio defective drug Lawyers, Boston contaminated drug Lawyers, Houston contaminated drug Lawyers, Chicago contaminated drug Lawyers, and several other defective product lawyers. If you have a question about a defective product and need a contaminated drug Lawyer to advise you, please feel free to contact Texas contaminated drug lawyer Jason Coomer.
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