Defective Inferior Vena Cava Filters Can Break Apart, Perforate, and Migrate in a Person's Body Causing Serious Health Problems or Death: The FDA Recommends Persons with IVC Filters Consult Their Doctor About Removal by Texas IVC Filter Death Lawyer, Texas Inferior Vena Cava Filter Embolism Lawyer, and Texas Pulmonary Embolism Filter Failure Lawyer Jason S. Coomer
Defective Inferior Vena Cava Filters can migrate, fracture, and break apart inside a person causing death or serious health issues. The FDA recommends that persons with inferior vena cava filters (IVC filters) should contact their doctors regarding removal of the devices. For more information on defective inferior vena cava filter lawsuits and IVC filter lawsuits, please feel free to contact Texas Inferior Vena Cava Filter Lawyer Jason Coomer or use our online submission form.
Use of Inferior Vena Cava Filters Includes Placement In People with Deep Venous Thrombosis and Prophylactically in People at Risk for a Pulmonary Embolism
Inferior vena cava filters (IVC filters) are a type of vascular filter that is implanted into the inferior vena cava to prevent life-threatening pulmonary emboli (PEs). IVC filters are typically used by interventional radiologists or vascular surgeons in patients that are at risk for a pulmonary embolism or who have a venous thromboembolic disease. Inferior vena cava (IVC) filter placement is most commonly indicated for deep venous thrombosis (DVT) or pulmonary embolism (PE) when anticoagulation therapy is contraindicated.
The FDA Has Received over 900 Medical Device Adverse Event Reports Involving IVC Filters Including Device Migration, Embolizations (Detachment of Device Components), Device Perforation, and Filter Fracture
Since 2005, the FDA has received 921 device adverse event reports involving IVC filters, of which 328 involved device migration, 146 involved embolizations (detachment of device components), 70 involved perforation of the IVC, and 56 involved filter fracture. Some of these events led to adverse clinical outcomes in patients. These types of events may be related to a retrievable filter remaining in the body for long periods of time, beyond the time when the risk of pulmonary embolism (PE) has subsided.
The FDA is concerned that these retrievable IVC filters, intended for short-term placement, are not always removed once a patient’s risk for PE subsides. Known long term risks associated with IVC filters include but are not limited to lower limb deep vein thrombosis (DVT), filter fracture, filter migration, filter embolization and IVC perforation.
The FDA Recommends that Vascular Surgeons and Other Physicians and Clinicians Responsible for Care of Patients With IVC Filters Consider Removing the Filters
FDA recommends that implanting physicians and clinicians responsible for the ongoing care of patients with retrievable IVC filters consider removing the filter as soon as protection from PE is no longer needed.
FDA encourages all physicians involved in the treatment and follow-up of IVC filter recipients to consider the risks and benefits of filter removal for each patient. If a patient has a retrievable IVC filter that should be removed based on his or her individual risk/benefit profile, the primary care physician and/or those providing ongoing patient care should refer the patient for IVC filter removal when feasible and clinically indicated.
The global vascular interventional devices market including IVC filters and other medical devices was valued at $8.7 billion in 2011 and is poised to grow at a CAGR of 7.8% to reach $12.7 billion by 2016.
Pharmaceutical Fraud, Bad Drug, and Product Liability Lawsuits
As a Texas Defective Medical Device Lawyer, Jason Coomer commonly works with other Defective IVC Filter Lawyers throughout the United States as well as in Texas. In working with other Defective IVC Filter lawyers, we seek compensation from negligent drug companies and other companies that have severely injured or killed people selling dangerous medical devices that they should have known were dangerous, but intentionally mislead consumers and hid dangerous health risk in order to sell more product to make a profit.
If you have suffered a serious injury that you believe is related to the use of an IVC Filter or a person close to you has suffered serious health problems or has died while from a defective IVC Filter implanted in them, it is important to contact a doctor and the FDA to report the incident. If you have any questions about a Inferior Vena Cava Filter lawsuit or this webpage, feel free to contact Austin Texas Inferior Vena Cava Filter Attorney, Jason S. Coomer.
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