Austin Texas Estate Planning Lawyer Works With Texas Families to Protect Family Wealth by Austin Texas Estate Planning Lawyer Jason S. Coomer
Estate planning allows you to protect yourself, your family and loved ones now and in the future. It may involve providing support for a spouse and minor children, investment management, business operations, tax minimization, or making sure you are cared for if you are unable to care for yourself. Wills, trusts, life insurance policies, and other estate planning tools not only allow you to designate who will inherit your property and wealth when you are gone, but can also make things much easier for the people that you leave behind by allowing them to avoid expensive and complicated legal procedures.
Austin Estate Planning Attorney Jason Coomer drafts Wills, assists in Estate Planning, and handles Probate Matters. For questions on Estate Planning, please e-mail Austin Estate Planning lawyer Jason S. Coomer at or use our contact form.
Consulting an Austin Estate Planning Attorney like Jason Coomer can be extremely beneficial as it can lower estate taxes, decrease expenses, make sure that property is disposed of correctly, protect dependants, and distribute property to the appropriate beneficiaries in a timely manner. Further, through the use of non-probate assets, trusts, and a Will a testator can manage their finances and property so that their family does not have to go through probate or can at least minimize the time and expense of the probate process.
Some of the most common non-probate assets include life insurance policies, joint tenancy with rights of survivorship, payment on death accounts, and transfer on death securities. An estate planning attorney can help you use these non-probate assets to avoid the probate process or at least limit the amount of property that goes through probate. Combining this with a well drafted Will can greatly limit the expense and time required for the probate process.
It is also helpful to sit down with an estate planning attorney to determine what can be done to protect yourself in case of incapacity and understand the different tools available to protect assets and loved ones. Without estate plan financial pressures, legal delays, and caretaker decisions often have to be made by loved ones when they are grieving or facing difficult life changes. As such, surviving loved ones too often have to guess what the incapacitated or recently deceased would have wanted. This can result in bitter family arguments and legal battles in the probate court.
Austin Estate Planning Attorney Jason Coomer drafts Wills, assists in Estate Planning, and handles Probate Matters. For questions on Estate Planning, please e-mail Austin Estate Planning lawyer Jason S. Coomer at or use our contact form.
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