International Trade Government Official Bribery SEC
Bounty Lawyer, Foreign Public Official Bribe SEC Reward
Lawyer, Government Official Kickback Whistleblower Reward
Lawyer, SEC Reward Government Official Kickback
Lawyer, & Illegal Foreign Official Bribery Bounty Action
by Government Official Bribery Lawyer and Public Official
Kickback Bounty Lawyer Jason Coomer
The United States and United Kingdom have passed government anti-bribery laws that prevent large corporations from using corporate bribes of government officials to create unfair and illegal advantages to obtaining large contracts in international markets. Through the SEC, Bounty Actions with large financial incentives have been put in place to encourage people with knowledge of government official bribes and kickbacks to come forward and be the first to report these illegal acts. If you are aware of bribery of government officials or kickbacks to government officials, please feel free to contact International Contract Government Official Bribery Lawyer and International Trade Government Official Kickback Lawyer Jason Coomer via e-mail message or use our submission form about a potential SEC Whistleblower Bounty Action that could result in a large financial reward.
Largest Trading Partners of the United States, Companies Listed on the Securities Exchange Commission, and the Opening of New Trading Markets
The United States' main trading partners include Canada, China, Mexico, Japan, Germany, United Kingdom, South Korea, France, Taiwan, Brazil, Netherlands, India, Singapore, Venezuela, and Saudi Arabia. In total, these countries account for about $2 Trillion of the approximately $3 Trillion of the United States' annual international trade. From a trading block perspective the European Union is the largest trading partner of the United States with over $300 billion worth of European Union goods going to the United States and about $200 billion of United States goods going to the European Union as of 2010, totaling approximately $560 billion in total trade.
In 2010, the President of the United States called for a National Export Initiative (NEI), which is a broad federal strategy to increase American exports. Through the United States Department of Commerce, particularly the International Trade Administration (ITA), will strengthen its efforts to promote and expand its exports.
More specifically, the United States is seeking to double the number of United States exports in 5 years. One of International Trade Administration’s strategies to achieve this increase in exports is through the New Market Exporter Initiative (NMEI), which targets Strategic Partners’ current customers who are exporting goods and services abroad in order to help them expand their reach to additional international markets.
Since the National Export Initiative was announced, the President has signed an Executive Order and formed an Export Promotion Cabinet that consists of top leaders Administration-wide. The U.S. Department of Commerce and International Trade Administration (ITA) will play a critical role in the implementation of this initiative and will take the necessary steps to open up new markets and double United States' exports.
In addition to United States Corporations, the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) applies to foreign companies listed on U.S. securities exchanges and their employees. Further, the act applies to all business entities organized under U.S. laws or with their principal place of business in the United States; the officers, directors, employees, and agents of those U.S. business entities (irrespective of nationality); U.S. citizens; U.S. resident aliens; “any person,” including all foreign persons, who commit an act in furtherance of a foreign bribe while in the United States, and U.S. businesses and nationals acting abroad. These companies must also require all of its affiliated companies and all of their employees to comply with the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.
Government Official Bribes by Country and Bribery of Government Public Officials by Country (Russian Government Bribes, Chinese Government Bribes, Mexican Government Bribes, Brazilian Government Bribes, and Indian Government Bribes Are Most Common)
Of the countries that the US does business, bribery of government officials and kickbacks to government officials appear to be most common in Russia, China, Mexico, Brazil, and India. These countries appear to have long standing traditions of bribery of government officials and many corporations that are wanting to do business in these countries are willing to pay bribes to government officials or provide kickbacks to government officials. These bribes and kickbacks to government officials can be to key high level political government officials as well as to low level government officials in key government offices.
The companies that are making bribes to Russian government officials, Chinese government officials, Mexican government officials, Brazilian government officials, and Indian government officials are becoming more likely to be found to have violated the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and be subject to large SEC sanctions. Whistleblowers that properly report illegal bribes and kickbacks to Russian government officials, Chinese government officials, Mexican government officials, Brazilian government officials, Indian government officials and other government officials are eligible to receive large financial rewards including not only a portion of the amount of the bribe, but also a portion of the contract that was obtained through the illegal bribe or kickback.
Government Official Bribes by Region and Bribery of Government Officials by Region (African Government Bribes, Middle East Government Bribes, Eastern Europe Government Bribes, Chinese Government Bribes and Indian Government Bribes Are Most Common)
In looking at different regions of the World, African government official bribes, Middle East government official bribes, Eastern Europe government official bribes, Chinese government official bribes, and Indian government official bribes are the most common. Chinese government official bribes and Indian government official bribes can be treated as their own regions because of the large number of people and areas that they represent. In doing business in these areas, some countries are more likely to offer illegal bribes and illegal kickbacks than others. For example companies from India and South Africa appear to offer more illegal bribes to African government officials than companies from other countries. Whereas in the Asia Pacific and Latin America regions, companies from China are more likely to pay bribes and offer illegal kickbacks to public officials. Interestingly, Italian companies are the most likely companies to offer illegal bribes and kickbacks in Europe and the United States.
It should be kept in mind that these foreign companies that are offering illegal bribes to public officials, can be brought to justice under SEC bounty actions, if they are listed on the U.S. securities exchanges or have sufficient ties to the United States. It is important the regulation of companies operating in different regions of the World be prevented from obtaining unfair advantages by bribing public officials or offering kickbacks to public officials. These companies with long standing traditions of bribery of government officials and public officials, often have many violations of paying bribes and kickbacks to government officials at key high level political government offices as well as to low level government officials in key government offices. By obtaining evidence of these bribes and properly reporting these illegal bribes and kickbacks, whistleblowers can not only prevent illegal acts, but make large financial recoveries.
The companies that are making bribes to Russian government officials, Chinese government officials, Mexican government officials, Brazilian government officials, and Indian government officials are becoming more likely to be found to have violated the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and be subject to large SEC sanctions. Whistleblowers that properly report illegal bribes and kickbacks to Russian government officials, Chinese government officials, Mexican government officials, Brazilian government officials, Indian government officials and other government officials are eligible to receive large financial rewards including not only a portion of the amount of the bribe, but also a portion of the contract that was obtained through the illegal bribe or kickback.
Government Official Bribes by Business Sector and Government Official Bribes by Region, (Public Works Contract Bribes, Construction Contract Bribes, Oil & Gas Contract Bribes, Heavy Manufacturing Contract Bribes, Mining Contract Bribes, Pharmaceutical Contract Bribes, and Health Care Contract Bribes Are Most Common)
In addition to specific countries and regions where government official bribery and public official kickbacks are more common, there are specific business sectors where public official bribery and government official kickbacks are more common. These more corrupt business sectors include Public Works Contracts, Construction Contracts, Oil & Gas Contracts, Heavy Manufacturing Contracts, Mining Contracts, Pharmaceutical Contracts, and Health Care Contracts. By offering Public Works Contract Bribes, Construction Contract Bribes, Oil & Gas Contract Bribes, Heavy Manufacturing Contract Bribes, Mining Contract Bribes, Pharmaceutical Contract Bribes, and Health Care Contract Bribes, foreign corporations are often able to secure large government contracts that can be worth millions and Billions of dollars.
Further, it should be remembered that a whistleblower that properly reports a public works contract bribe, construction contract bribe, oil & gas contract bribe, heavy manufacturing contract bribe, mining contract bribe, pharmaceutical contract bribe, or health care contract bribe, can receive a portion of the entire illegally obtained contract if the SEC decides.
Foreign Government Official Bribe Lawyer, Public Official Bribery Reward Lawyer, International Trade Public Official Bribe Lawyer, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Violation Lawyer, SEC Bribery Whistleblower Incentive Program Lawyer, & Illegal Government Official Bribe Bounty Action Lawyer
Corporations that pay illegal kickbacks and bribes to government officials and former government officials in exchange for contracts including large building projects can be brought to justice and made to pay large penalties under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and whistleblowers that bring these corporations to justice may be able to collect large economic rewards under the Securities Exchange Act (SEC Whistleblower Bounty Actions) and the Commodity Exchange Act (CFTC Whisteblower Bounty Actions).
The Illegal Bribe Whistleblower or Illegal Kickback Whistleblower may be entitled to not only the amount of the illegal bribe or kickback, but the benefit of the illegal bribe or kickback. In cases where $100,000.00 bribe is made to obtain a $100 million building project, the Illegal Bribe Whistleblower or Illegal Kickback Whistleblower may be entitled to 10 to 30% of the $100,000,000.00 and the $100,000.00 translating into an award of over $10 million to $30 million.
International Trade Government Bribe Lawyers, Foreign Public Official Illegal Kickback Lawyers, Violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Whistleblower Lawyers, & Illegal Corporate Bribe Bounty Lawyers
As an International Trade Government Official Bribe Lawyer and SEC International Trade Illegal Kickback Whistleblower Reward Lawyer, Jason S. Coomer commonly works with other powerful illegal international business contract bribe lawyers and illegal contract kickback lawyers to handle large International Contract Bribe Bounty Lawsuits, SEC International Contract Illegal Bribe Lawsuits, International Trade Illegal Kickback Whistleblower Bounty Actions, Commodity Fraud Bounty Lawsuits, and other Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Lawsuits. He also works with large Qui Tam Law Firms on Medicare Fraud Whistleblower Lawsuits, Defense Contractor Fraud Whistleblower Lawsuits, Stimulus Fraud Whistleblower Lawsuits, Government Contractor Fraud Whistleblower Lawsuits, Medicare Illegal Kickback Lawsuits, Confidential Financial Analyst Whistleblower Reward Lawsuits and other whistleblower recovery lawsuits.
International Trade Government Official Bribe
Lawyer, International Contract Government Official
Bribery SEC Reward Lawyer, Public Official Kickback
Whistleblower Reward Lawyer, SEC Reward Government
Official Kickback Lawyer, & Illegal Foreign Official
Bribery Bounty Action Lawyer
by International Contract Government Official Bribery
Lawyer and Public Official Kickback Bounty Lawyer Jason
Under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and the new SEC Whistleblower Incentive Program, whistleblowers with original and specialized knowledge and evidence of corporate bribery and illegal kickbacks are eligible to recover large economic awards. By gathering this evidence and going through a lawyer, these whistleblowers can protect their identity through the process and potential collect large rewards of 10% to 30% of the monetary sanctions including disgorged funds. If you are aware of an illegal bribe or illegal kickback that was used to secure a large contract, please feel free to contact International Business Illegal Kickback and Bribery Whistleblower Lawyer Jason Coomer via e-mail message or use our submission form about a potential SEC Whistleblower Incentive Program Action or other Whistleblower Bounty Action.
If you are the original source with special knowledge of fraud and are interested in learning more about an International Business illegal kickback, SEC violation, FCPA violation, or bribe whistleblower recovery lawsuit, please feel free to contact International Contract Illegal Kickback and Bribery Whistleblower Lawyer Jason Coomer via e-mail message or use our submission form about a potential SEC Whistleblower Incentive Program Action, Whistleblower Recovery Lawsuit, or other Whistleblower Bounty Action.
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