Texas Crane Accident Lawyer, Texas Fatal Crane Accident Lawyer, and Texas Construction Equipment Accident Lawyer Handles Texas Crane Accident Lawsuits and other Construction Equipment Accident Lawsuits by Texas Fatal Crane Accident Lawyer and Texas Construction Equipment Accident Lawyer Jason S. Coomer
As a Texas Crane and Construction Equipment Accident Lawyer Jason Coomer has handled and investigated a variety of construction and work place accident claims including misuse of a crane, falling objects, serious fall, electrocution, negligent crane operator and other construction negligence lawsuits that have resulted in serious injuries and death.
If you have been seriously injured or have lost a loved one through a construction accident, feel free to send an e-mail to Texas Crane Accident Lawyer, Jason Coomer with your name, date of accident, location of accident, nature of the injuries or loss, and name of the potential defendant or contact us through our online submission form.
Texas Crane Accidents Can Occur When Safety Regulations Are Not Followed
Moving large, heavy loads is crucial to today's manufacturing and construction industries. Significant construction and heavy lifting technology has been developed for these operations, including careful training and extensive workplace precautions. However, problems and accidents arise when construction companies, construction workers, and crane operator's get careless or try to save money at the expense of safety.
Some of the most serious construction accidents happen as a result of the misuse of heavy equipment including cranes, tower cranes, and backhoes. The potential dangers of operating a crane include collapsing cranes, cranes flipping or toppling over, cranes coming into contact with live power lines resulting in the burning or electrocution of the operator, and improperly secured loads falling on workers and/or bystanders.
Because of the inherent dangers of operating a crane, construction sites that have several safety issues that they need to follow and be aware of when operating a crane including:
Operator certification,
The operator's right of refusal to do a lift that they feel is unsafe,
Procedures for making safe blind lifts,
Proper training of signal men,
Proper loading for lifts,
How close to power lines cranes may operate,
The location for heavy lifts,
Overworking of crane operators, and
Crane maintenance and inspection recordkeeping.
OSHA Crane, Derrick, and Hoist Safety Regulations
Crane, derrick, and hoist safety hazards are addressed in OSHA Safety Standards for the general industry, marine terminals, longshoring, gear certification, and the construction industry. Below are some OSHA Safety Standards, Rules, Notices, Directives, and Regulations related to crane, derrick, and hoist safety including the below information.
Section 5(a)(1) of the OSH Act, often referred to as the General Duty Clause, requires employers to "furnish to each of his employees employment and a place of employment which are free from recognized hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm to his employees". Section 5(a)(2) requires employers to "comply with occupational safety and health standards promulgated under this Act".
General Industry (29 CFR 1910)
1910 Subpart N, Materials handling and storage
1910 Subpart S, Electrical
Appendix A, Reference documents
Marine Terminals (29 CFR 1917)
1917 Subpart D, Specialized terminals
1917.71, Terminals handling intermodal containers or roll-on roll-off operations
1917 Subpart F, Terminal facilities
1917.116, Elevators and escalators
Longshoring (29 CFR 1918)
1918 Subpart F, Vessel's cargo handling gear
1918.51, General requirements (See also 1918.11 and Appendix III of this part)
1918 Subpart G, Cargo handling gear and equipment other than ship's gear
1918 Subpart H, Handling cargo
1918 Subpart I, General working conditions
1918.98, Qualifications of machinery operators and supervisory training
1918 Subpart J, Personal protective equipment
1918.105, Other protective measures
Appendix I, Cargo gear register and certificates (Non-mandatory)
Gear Certification (29 CFR 1919)
1919.2, Definition of terms
1919.12, Recordkeeping and related procedures concerning records in custody of the vessel
1919.15, Periodic tests, examinations and inspections
1919.16, Heat treatment
1919.21, Marking and posting of safe working loads
1919.24, Limitations on use of wire rope
1919.28, Unit proof tests-cranes and gear accessory thereto
1919.73, Unit proof test and examination of derricks
1919.75, Determination of crane or derrick safe working loads and limitations in absence of manufacturer's data
Construction Industry (29 CFR 1926)
1926 Subpart K, Electrical
1926.406, Specific purpose equipment and installations
1926 Subpart N, Cranes, derricks, hoists, elevators, and conveyors
1926 Subpart V, Power transmission and distribution
1926.953, Material handling. Regulations for crane and hoist signaling will be found in applicable American National Standards Institute standards.
Texas Bulldozer Accidents and Safety Regulations
Bulldozers are another type of construction equipment that can cause serious construction accidents. A bulldozer is a crawler (caterpillar tracked tractor), equipped with a substantial metal plate (known as a blade), used to push large quantities of soil, sand, rubble, etc, during construction work. The term "bulldozer" is often used to mean any heavy engineering vehicle, but precisely, the term refers only to a tractor (usually tracked) fitted with a dozer blade. The bulldozer is an extremely powerful machine that should only be used in compliance with safety instructions and procedures. When the appropriate precautions are ignored, or when the bulldozer is defective in its design or manufacture, or the blade in not correctly installed serious injuries or death can result.
Texas Backhoe Accidents and Safety Regulations
Backhoes are another type of construction equipment that cause serious construction accidents. The backhoe is tractor with a long arm on the end for digging and excavating piles of dirt or other materials. It is an extremely powerful machine that should only be used in compliance with safety instructions and procedures. When the appropriate precautions are ignored, or when the backhoe is defective in its design or manufacture, serious injuries or death can result.
Backhoes consist of a digging scoop at the end of an arm (also called stick or dipper) and are used for excavating and moving material such as rocks or dirt. The most common forms of backhoe accidents involve people being struck by the digging bucket or by the machine itself. In addition, backhoe accidents can be caused by rollovers, electrocutions, and sliding into ditches or trenches.
Texas Crane and Construction Equipment Accident Lawsuits
As a Texas Crane and Construction
Equipment Accident Lawyer, Jason Coomer has fought for the
rights of injured individuals and the families of people
that have been wrongfully killed after a construction
accident. Whether a construction worker is injured by a
falling object, negligent crane operator, hazardous trap,
dangerous defect, careless actions, or the negligence of
another, individuals often need assistance from a Texas
Crane Accident Lawyer in dealing with and seeking money
compensation from insurance companies and large corporations
for the damages that they have suffered.
In being a Texas Crane Accident attorney, Jason Coomer has
been fortunate enough to represent and recover money
compensation for construction workers that have been injured
by negligent co-workers, construction companies, and
subcontractors. Helping injured workers recover money
compensation for millions of dollars in damages including
tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical bills,
tens of thousands of dollars in past lost wages, and
hundreds of thousands of dollars in future lost wages,
impairment, disfigurement, and future medical is what being
a Texas construction accident lawyer is about. The
compensation has helped individuals go back to school to
begin new careers and families to hold onto their homes.
Knowing that he has made a difference in people's lives is
very rewarding and makes the time battling insurance
companies and big businesses, researching law, reading
medical records, deposing experts and negligent actors,
working with clients, and tabulating damages worth while.
As an Austin Construction Accident Lawyer, Houston Crane Accident Lawyer, Austin Crane Accident Lawyer, Dallas Crane Accident Lawyer, and San Antonio Crane Accident Lawyer, Jason Coomer has worked on a wide variety of cases and has had the opportunity to work with and against some excellent lawyers including Dallas Crane Accident Lawyers, Houston Crane Accident Lawyers, San Antonio Crane Accident Lawyers, and Austin Construction Equipment Accident Lawyers. Assembling litigation teams of Texas Construction Equipment Accident Lawyers for the larger cases and building multimedia presentations for mediation, arbitration, hearings, and trial can be time consuming, but when you are dealing with someone's life and the devastation that can be caused by a serious injury or loss of a loved one, the effort is worth it. Individualized attention to a Texas Construction Equipment Accident Lawsuit is extremely important. Make sure that you have a experienced Texas Work Place Injury Attorney or Texas Fatal Accident Lawyer that knows your name and is familiar with your construction accident claim as well as your wants and needs.
If you have been seriously injured or
have lost a loved one through the wrongful actions of
feel free to contact Texas Construction Accident Lawyer,
Jason Coomer, with your name, date of accident, location of
accident, nature of the injuries or loss, and name of the
potential defendant for a free online review of your
potential claim.
Wrongful Death Claims
- As a Texas Wrongful Death Lawyer handling wrongful death
claims, Death Claim Lawyer, Jason Coomer assists the
families of the deceased assert their rights after a
construction accident. Whether a person is killed through
hazardous activity, corporate negligence, or mere
carelessness, the family needs a Texas construction death
attorney they can trust to investigate and prosecute a
claim. Austin Texas Construction Accident Death
Lawyer, Jason Coomer, handles Texas construction death
Premises Liability & Dangerous Condition Claims - Numerous construction workers are injured and killed each year by dangerous conditions and hazardous hidden traps that a construction site owner, property owner, or premises owner/maintainer knew or through a reasonable inspection should have known about. When attempting to seek compensation from the construction site owner, property owner, or premises owner/maintainer for negligently maintaining their construction site or property, an injured person often needs assistance proving liability and damages as well as avoiding traps that many insurance adjusters and big construction companires set to avoid paying just claims.
As a Texas Construction Accident Lawyer, Jason Coomer has reviewed numerous claims for damages arising out of a hidden hole, falling objects, lack of proper lighting, improper design of stairs, improper security, negligent use of construction equipment, hidden traps, electrical problems, and other dangerous conditions.
If you have been seriously injured or have lost a loved through a construction accident, feel free to contact Texas Construction Equipment Accident Lawyer, Jason Coomer with your name, date of accident, location of accident, nature of the injuries or loss, and name of the potential defendant for a free review of your potential lawsuit.
Feel Free to Contact Us with any Questions