Texas Estate Probate Lawyer and Texas Estate Lawyer Handles Probate and Estate Matters for Out of State Beneficiaries and Heirs as well as Grieving Loved Ones by Texas Estate Probate Attorney Jason Coomer
Texas Will Contest, Will Probate, and Estate Lawyer Jason Coomer represents heirs, family members, and beneficiaries including those from out of state that need to have a Will probated, a Will contested, or an Estate taken through probate. He probates Wills, defends Wills, determines heirs, and contests Wills in the Austin Area including Travis County, Williamson County, Bexar County, and Hays County as well as works with other Texas probate lawyers across Texas including Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, Fort Worth, Dallas County, Harris County, Fort Bend County, and Tarrant County.
For questions on a Texas Will contest, taking an Estate through probate in a Texas Court, a Texas Will probate, preventing a Texas Will contest, or fighting a Texas Will Contest, please feel free to e-mail Texas Will Probate, Will Contest, and Estate Lawyer Jason S. Coomer at TexasWillLawyer@texaslawyers.com or use our contact form to submit an inquiry regarding a Will Probate, Estate Probate, or Will Contest. Texas Will Contest, Estate Probate and Will Probate Lawyer, Jason Coomer helps heirs and beneficiaries through the estate process as well as helps protect the wishes of loved ones that have passed on and best interests of his clients.
The Probate Process and Inheritance is Expected to Become More Common with Hundreds of Billions of Dollars in Property Being Passed Down Each Year and in the Future Trillions of Dollars in Inheritance is Expected to be Passed Down
Inheritance is the practice of passing on wealth or obligations upon the death of an individual. The Texas Probate Process allows parents to pass on land, businesses, stocks, jewelry, and other wealth to their children and people that they love. It is estimated that in the United States over $200 Billion each year is passed down through inheritance to heirs and beneficiaries. Through Wills and intestate laws, Texas courts determine who are proper heirs and beneficiaries and allow tremendous amounts of wealth to be inherited each year. It is expected with our aging population, that the amount of inheritance that will be passed through the United States Probate System will continue to increase in the next 20 years as Trillions of Dollars in wealth will be passed on through inheritance.
For this reason, many people that have no experience with the Texas probate system will be faced with numerous Texas Probate Law decisions on estates with hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars worth of assets. It is therefore extremely important to hire an experienced Texas Probate Lawyer that is able to work with out of state or inexperienced heirs and beneficiaries to handle estate probate issues.
Many Families have Spread Out Across The United States and Throughout the World, Therefore it is Often Helpful to Hire a Texas Probate Lawyer to Assist with the Texas Probate Process and to Handle Estate Issues
Many families have spread out throughout the United States and around the World. For many families, gone is the time where several generations live with in a few miles of each other in the same town, city, or county. This disbursement of families can make it difficult, when a family member in Texas passes away.
For the family member that lives out of state and have never been through the Texas probate process, Texas Probate Law and Texas Probate Courts can be overwhelming. At a time when they want to grieve the loss of their loved one, they are forced to deal with difficult issues including:
- Who should be in control of their loved ones' estate?
- What needs to be done to have an administrator or executor appointed?
- What is probate & non-probate property?
- What should be done to protect estate property?
- Is a Will necessary?
- What can be done with Estate property? Can it be sold or transferred?
It is often helpful to speak with and hire a Texas probate lawyer to help take care of many of the probate issues. A Texas probate lawyer can help "out of town" relatives through the probate process and taking care of the estate. This is extremely helpful when relatives and loved ones want to focus on the grieving process instead of learning Texas Probate Law and navigating Texas Probate Courts.
Locating Unclaimed Texas Wealth, Estate Assets, and Non-Probate Assets (Real Estate, Oil Interests, Bank Accounts, and Stock)
In addition to what is inherited, there is a significant amount of unclaimed wealth including bank accounts, houses, oil interests, safety deposit boxes, stocks, and other wealth that is forgotten about. In our modern society families don't always live close and some wealth is lost or forgotten. Death or incapacity is not always anticipated and many people will unfortunately loose track of stocks, bank accounts, oil interests, and other wealth. It is a good idea to keep a safety deposit box with an inventory of all your assets and have people that you trust that can get access to your safety deposit box should something happen to you.
It is also becoming more common for family members not living close to a recently deceased relative to not know how to handle a probate matter or have enough money to clear title to property. In these instances it is good to locate a local attorney that can assist in appraising an estate including real estate and houses to determine if it would be beneficial to probate an estate or to determine the most efficient method to clear title to property.
Austin Texas Inheritance Lawyer, Jason Coomer helps families evaluate the estates of their lost loved ones to determine if a full probate is necessary and if so if the probate is economically feasible.
Austin Texas Estate, Probate, and Inheritance Lawyer
Austin Texas Probate Lawyer Jason Coomer handles Texas Probate matters including probating Wills, helping Executors, drafting Wills, contesting Wills, filing Suits to Determine Rightful Heirs of property and estates, filing Small Estate Affidavits, filing Affidavits of Heirship, filing Applications for Guardianships, fighting Involuntary Guardianships, filing Guardianship Reports, filing breach of fiduciary duty claims, estate planning, and clearing title to property and assets.
What Is a Will?
A Will is a written legal declaration of a person's intentions which he or she wants or wills to be performed after his or her death. The Will makes dispositions of property, sets up trusts, and establishes guardians upon a person's death. Under Texas law a Will must identify the Testator, be written with "testamentary intent", and be executed with requisite testamentary formalities. It also requires that the Testator have "testamentary capacity" including being of sound mind. Unfortunately, there are many Wills that do not comply with Texas law because of do it yourself Will drafting kits and people that create their own Wills that do not follow the formalities of a valid Will. Still other Wills are lost or stolen and have to be set aside. The first step in determining what to do with someone's estate is to determine if they have a Will and make sure that if you find the Will to put it in a safe location.
What Is a Will Probate?
A Will Probate is necessary to validate a Will and appoint an executor or administrator to handle the estate. Many times a Will Probate is an uncontested hearing that allows an executor named in a Will to obtain letters of administration in order to begin to manage that estate and begin to prepare the inventory of the estate.
What is a Will Contest?
A Will Contest occurs when there is something wrong with a Will. In some instances the Testator did not have actual "testamentary capacity" or "testamentary intent" to draft a proper Will. In such a situation the Will is not valid and interested parties including a beneficiary or heir that was disinherited or lost inheritance through the invalid Will can contest the Will as being invalid.
What are Common Grounds for a Will Contests?
There are several reasons that a Will may be contested including 1) the Will was written under the influence from another person, 2) the Decedent was not of sound mind when the Will was written, 3) the Will is a forged or fraudulent document, 4) the Will is not up to date and leaves out children or does not take into account a divorce or remarriage, 5) the Will was not witnessed or signed correctly, and 6) the Will was improperly done and does not comply with Texas law.
When can a Will Be Contested?
The Texas Probate Code gives interested persons two years after a Will has been admitted to probate to institute a suit to contest a Will. There are two exceptions to this rule that can extend this statute of limitations beyond two years. These exceptions include 1) contests based upon forgery or fraud or 2) contests brought on behalf of an incapacitated person (such as a minor) who recovers capacity.
Texas Will Contest Lawyer, Texas Will Probate Lawyer, and Texas Estate Lawyer
Austin Texas Estate Lawyer, Jason Coomer handles handles Will Probate, Estate Matters, and contested Wills in Travis County, Williamson County, Bexar County, and Hays County as well as works with other Texas probate lawyers across Texas including Dallas County, Harris County, Fort Bend County, and Tarrant County works to draft Wills and Trusts to protect the wishes and best interests of his clients. He works with Houston Estate and Probate Lawyers, Dallas Probate and Estate Lawyers, and several other Texas Probate and Estate Lawyer. For questions on Texas Will Contests, please e-mail Austin Texas Estate Attorney Jason S. Coomer at Texas-Estate-Lawyer@texaslawyers.com or use our contact submission form.
Feel Free to Contact Us with any Questions