Texas Sexual Assault Lawyer and Civil Sex Crime Lawyer Helps Victims of Sex Abuse, Molestation, Rape, Sex Trafficking, Sex Cults, Coercion Collateral Schemes, and Hazing Rituals

Texas sexual assault lawyer helps victims of sex crimes. These sex crimes can include sexual assault, molestation, rape, hazing, abuse of minors, sex trafficking, coercion and collateral schemes, sexual assaults by professionals and clergy, and STD transmissions. His team of civil sex crime lawyers help victims target sex traffickers, sex cults, sex abusers, and other predators as well as enablers. Further, his team investigates sex crimes and uses civil laws to seek compensation from sexual predators and enablers.

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If you or someone you love has been a victim of an intentional tort or sex crime including sexual abuse, sexual assault, molestation, indecent exposure to a minor, or rape, and you would like to seek compensation from the responsible parties, please feel free to contact Texas Sex Abuse Lawyer, Jason Coomer via email or call 866-474-1477 for a FREE CONFIDENTIAL CASE REVIEW!

In helping victims of sex crimes, they use several civil laws to help victims of sex crimes punish organizations and predators for illegal conduct. More specifically, they commonly use criminal convictions as well as financial records and evidence of systematic sex crimes in civil litigation to prosecute organizations, predators, and enablers. His legal teams prosecute a wide range of sex crime lawsuits including sexual assault, molestation, and abuse of minors; sex trafficking; sex cults; intentional transmission of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs); sexual assault by professionals; and molestation of children or vulnerable people. As civil sex crime lawyers, his team helps victims of molestation, abuse, coercion and collateral schemes, sex trafficking, and other sex crimes seek compensation from criminals. His legal teams typically target 1) perpetrators; 2) churches, organizations, and companies that allowed or enabled abuse and molestation; and 3) those who profited from sex trafficking or coercion and collateral schemes.

Empty Swing Representing Stolen Innocence of Children and Other Victims by Texas Sexual Assault Lawyer.
Texas sexual abuse and assault lawyers help victions of rape, molestation, sex trafficking and other intentional torts.

Below are some helpful FAQs regarding sexual assault, abuse, molestation, rape, sex trafficking, and other intentional tort cases by Texas Sexual Assault Lawyer Jason Coomer:

Q1: Can a civil sex crime lawyer help victims of rape, sexual abuse, molestation, sex trafficking, hazing, or other intentional torts seek compensation from perpetrators and enablers?
A1: Yes, sexual assault lawyers often help victims of rape, sexual abuse, molestation, sex trafficking, hazing, and other sex crimes seek compensation from perpetrators and enablers under Texas civil law.

Q2: What information does a civil sex crime lawyer or sexual assault lawyer need to begin a review of a potential case?
A2: A sexual assault lawyer will typically need to know 1) the name or names of the perpetrators and enablers, 2) date or dates of the illegal act, 3) whether a police report was filed, 4) names of the victim or victims, and 5) what evidence including witnesses can be used to prove the illegal acts. Further, information provided to sexual assault lawyers in anticipation of potential representation will be kept confidential and privileged during the review.

Q3: Is there a statute of limitations on sexual abuse, molestation, and other intentional torts?
A3: Yes, there are several potential statutes of limitations on sexual abuse, molestation, and rape cases. More specifically, anyone that was a minor when the abuse or molestation occurred may have their case tolled for several years until they are an adult. Each case is different and should be reviewed by sexual assault lawyer to determine the actual potential statute of limitations.

Q4: Who can be held liable for sexual assault, abuse, and molestation cases?
A4: Depending on the facts of the case, perpetrators and enablers including organizations, religious groups, and businesses that helped and/or hid the perpetrators can often be held liable for abuses, molestations, rapes, and other sex crimes.

Sexual Assault Lawyers Help Victims of Molestation, Rape, Abuse, Assault, and other Sex Crimes Seek Compensations from Those Responsible

Sexual Assault Lawyers help victims of sex crimes and other intentional torts. More specifically, attorney Coomer and his co-counsel review a variety of sexual abuse, assault, molestation, rape, sex trafficking, and other intentional tort claims. His legal team helps victims of rape, sexual assault, molestation, intentional torts, and other criminal acts seek compensation from those responsible for allowing the intentional tort or crime to be committed.

Civil Sex Crime Lawyers also Represent Patients

Civil sex crime lawyers also help patients who are victims of rape, abuse and assault. They investigate rapes, assaults and abuse committed in residential treatment facilities. Unfortunately, these assaults and sex crimes commonly occur in rehabilitation and treatment hospitals. These crimes are especially egregious as patients in treatment are vulnerable. More specifically, the staff in these facilities medicate, lock up and/or control these patients. Thus, sexual predators can often repeatedly rape, molest and abuse their victims.

In many cases, it is also common to have poorly trained and monitored staff who do not report sex crimes. It is also very common for staff not to believe a victim. In these situations, it is important for families, victims and other witnesses to step up. By reporting these crimes, it can protect other patients as well prevent future sex crimes. As a Texas Residential Facility Lawyer, Jason Coomer can provide more information on reporting inpatient facility sex crimes.

Civil Sex Crime Claims include Molestation Claims, Rape Claims, Sex Trafficking Claims, Coercion and Collateral Claims, and Sexual Assault Claims

Civil sex crime claims seek to recover monetary compensation from predators and enablers of sex crimes. More specifically, these lawsuits are typically filed concurrently or immediately before or after criminal actions. The criminal actions have the ability to put sexual criminals in jail. In contrast, the civil sex crime claims use criminal prosecutions and other evidence to seek compensation from sexual abusers, predators, and enablers. These civil sex crime claims not only compensation victims, but also are intended to punish and deter abusers, predators, and enablers by taking their money.

An intentional tort arises when a person intends to commit a wrongful act such as sexual assault or molestation which results in injury. From a legal perspective, it can often be difficult to obtain compensation from a person who commits an intentional tort unless that person is wealthy or is enabled by an organization or wealthy individuals.

Texas Sexual Abuse and Molestation Lawyers Commonly File Suits Against Churches, Organizations, and Companies

Sometimes the injuries from a sexual molestation or sexual assault result from the wrongful acts of more than one party. An example of this would be when a private school, church, inpatient treatment facility or daycare center fails to screen or monitor employees. In these situations, the company or organization has a duty to provide proper supervision of its premises and staff to make sure that the children in their care are safe from harm. If the church, school, or treatment facility hires or allows a person that has a history of molestation or sexual assault to be around children, they may have violated their duty to protect children. They might have also negligently allowed a sexual assault or molestation to occur.

Similarly, if a homeowner is taking care of someone else's child and allows someone with a history of sexual or violence with children, there may be a potential claim under homeowner's insurance. Further, if the church, private school, hospital or daycare center allows strangers to access the premises or does not adequately screen or supervise its employees, and a child is molested as a result of the lack of care, the negligent conduct may support a legal cause of action for negligence.

Texas Sexual Assault Lawyers Target Sex Cults, Coercion and Collateral Sex Traffickers, and Other Sex Criminals

Texas Sexual Assault Lawyer Jason Coomer works with sex abuse lawyers throughout the State of Texas and the United States. As a Texas Sexual Abuse Lawyer, he works with experienced legal teams to help victims and families seek compensation. His teams investigate sex crimes and those responsible. They also help individuals seek compensation from perpetrators and enablers. They also expose perpetrators and enablers to prevent future abuse.

Unfortunately, sexual predators typically take precautions to cover their wrongful actions. Knowing that sexual assault and molestation are wrong and against the law, many of these sexual predators conceal their crimes. Additionally, many will not admit the heinous acts that they commit even after confronted. For this reason, it is important for victims to speak up. It is also important to have a Texas Sexual Assault and Molestation Lawyer investigate sex crimes. The sex abuse lawyer can help prevent future crimes and seek compensation for the victims.

Civil Sex Crime Lawyers Target Predators and Sex Traffickers Who Target Minors

In addition to traditional sexual assault and molestation lawsuits, the Internet has created a dangerous environment for minors. In this environment, sexual predators can often target, exploit or indecently expose themselves to minors. If you believe a minor is a victim or has been targeted, it is important to protect the minor and report the illegal conduct to authorities. It is also helpful to obtain electronic evidence of the crime.

For example, if you discover that a sexual predator is messaging with and sending indecent photos to a young child, it is important to stop the communication. It is also important to save the communications and report the conduct to the authorities. Additionally, if the sexual predator that targeted the minor has significant assets, a civil lawsuit against this person may be viable. Further, even if the person does not have assets, but is living with someone that has significant assets and has provided the sexual predator with access to a computer, there may be a potential claim against the person who allowed the indecent exposure to occur.

Texas Sexual Assault Lawyers and Civil Sex Crime Lawyers Help Identify Sexual Predators and Prevent Ongoing Sex Crimes

If you are interested in pursuing a Texas rape or sexual assault case, contact Texas Sex Abuse Lawyer, Jason Coomer via email or call 866-474-1477 for a FREE CONFIDENTIAL CASE REVIEW! As a Texas Sexual Assault Lawyer, he works with victims of sexual abuse and assault. He also investigates indecent exposure and molestation cases. His team works to seek compensation from criminals. He also seeks compensation from those responsible for letting sexual predators abuse, molest, or assault. In providing strong representation on sexual assault, abuse, and molestation claims, Texas Sexual Assault Lawyer Jason Coomer commonly works with other civil sex crime lawyers throughout the United States and Texas.

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