Texas Unclaimed Property Lawyer Helps Families and Individuals Claim Lost Wealth and Assets by Texas Unclaimed Property Lawyer Jason Coomer
Texas Unclaimed Property Lawyer, Jason Coomer, helps families and individuals claim lost wealth. As a Travis County Lawyer, he helps individuals and families who have significant wealth stuck at Texas Unclaimed Property. He commonly represents individuals, families, guardians, trustees, executors, administrators, persons living out of the State of Texas, and other people claim unclaimed property. He helps them claim lost wealth including bank accounts, insurance money, oil royalties, gas royalties, retirement funds, trusts, court registry money, sales proceeds, business interests, and real estate. For questions on collecting significant unclaimed property or lost property through probate and through the State of Texas, please feel free to send an e-mail message to Texas Unclaimed Property Lawyer, Jason S. Coomer or use our contact form to submit an inquiry.

Everyone Who Lives in Texas or Lived in Texas Should Check Unclaimed Property to Make Sure They Do Not Have Lost Wealth
Many people who live or have lived in Texas have small amounts of wealth at Texas Unclaimed Property. Much of this wealth is under $1000.00 and can be easily be found by going to the Texas Unclaimed Property Website and typing in their name. Further, the wealth can often easily be claimed by filing out the online forms and sending in proof of identity. This process is easy and can often result in the benefit of reclaiming some of your money.
Significant Stuck Wealth Often Requires A Texas Unclaimed Property Lawyer To File A Lawsuit in Travis County District Court
When there is a significant amount of wealth at Texas Unclaimed Propety and claiming the wealth is not simple, it is often necessary to hire a lawyer to claim the wealth. A Texas Unclaimed Property Lawyer can file a lawsuit in Travis County Texas to help prove ownership of the wealth and claim it. The lawyer can also often cut through bureaucratic issues and claim the wealth. That being said there are numerous reasons wealth can become lost and proving ownership is not always easy.
Texas Families Often Lose Significant Amounts of Wealth When Loved Ones Die or Become Incapacitated
There is a significant amount of unclaimed assets and family wealth that is lost every year. In the State of Texas alone billions of dollars in bank accounts, oil royalties, insurance money, safety deposit box contents, stocks, retirement funds, real estate, and other wealth is forgotten about, becomes lost, or is unclaimed. This unclaimed property often occurs when someone unexpectedly dies or becomes incompetent. When this person is the head of a household or controls a family's wealth, records can often be lost and assets can often go unclaimed. This is more common when families do not live close to each other and/or do not communicated about financial issues. Much of this lost or unclaimed wealth is collected by the states and held for rightful owners including heirs and beneficiaries. For more information on this topic, please go to Texas Estate and Inheritance Unclaimed Property Issues.
Texas Unclaimed Property Lawyers Help Families Locate and Claim Wealth
The State of Texas is currently holding over $2 billion in assets in Texas Unclaimed Property. This property is entrusted to it from a variety of sources, including unclaimed utility deposits, dormant bank accounts, unclaimed wages, safety deposit boxes, insurance policies, royalties, and uncashed checks. Claiming this property is not always easy as many of the people that originally owned or were entitled to this property have died or become incapacitated. As such, to claim the assets that belonged to these people, their families will need to go through probate before the heirs or beneficiaries can claim the assets. As a Texas Unclaimed Property Lawyer and a Texas Probate Lawyer, Jason Coomer, works with heirs and beneficiaries to help them gain control of their loved one's estate to be able to claim unclaimed property. In most cases, the estate will need to go through a will probate or a suit to determine heirship will need to be filed. This probate process can be expensive, but if there are significant assets in the estate or being held by the State of Texas, the investment can be well worth the cost. Further, if there are significant assets in the estate, the probate process and collection process can sometimes be handled on a contingent contract or a hybrid contract where attorneys fees and expenses are recouped out of the recovered money. For more information, please see the follow web page: Texas Contingent Probate Lawyer, Texas Contingent Death Benefit Lawyer, and Texas Contingent Estate Collection Lawyer.
Locating and Claiming Lost Wealth
In locating and claiming lost wealth, it is important to make sure that someone has gone through the financial records of a family member that his died or has become incapacitated. This should include checking the person's mail after they have passed away to determine if any bank statements, insurance information, brokerage account statements, retirement information, royalties, tax documents, or other financial information is sent. It is also usually a good idea to check with the state where the decedent was living to determine if any of that person's assets have been collected by the state. The following link can be used to check Texas Unclaimed Property. However, this is not the only place that should be investigated as many financial institutions, oil companies, banks, trusts, large corporations, and insurance companies, keep assets for an extended period of time or send the property to other states. For more information on collection of unclaimed property, please follow this link to Texas Estate and Probate Unclaimed Property Lawyer.
Texas Unclaimed Property Lawyer Helps Individuals, Businesses, and Families Claim, Transfer, and Protect Wealth
Texas Unclaimed Property Lawyer, Jason Coomer helps families locate and collect significant wealth. For questions on Texas Unclaimed Wealth and Locating Family Wealth, please feel free to send an e-mail message to Texas Unclaimed Property Lawyer Jason S. Coomer or use our contact submission form
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