Texas Trasylol Lawyer Handles Trasylol Kidney Liver Failure Lawsuits
Evidence has shown that the heart surgery drug, Trasylol, can cause significant health problems including kidney failure resulting in death or the need for dialysis. Unfortunately, even though there has been significant knowledge of these potential health problems those profiting from the sale of Trasylol were slow to pull the drug off the market potentially causing thousands of deaths and kidney damage in tens of thousands of heart patients.
If you have lost a loved one after heart bypass surgery due to kidney failure or a loved one has suffered a heart attack, stroke, or kidney failure or other kidney damage requiring dialysis after heart bypass surgery, you may want to check if Trasylol was used in the surgery. If you have questions regarding a potential Trasylol kidney failure lawsuit, please feel free to e-mail Texas Trasylol Lawyer Jason Coomer or use our contact form.
Texas Trasylol Lawyer (Texas Trayslol Lawsuits)
Delays in pulling Trasylol from the market and publicizing the known and suspected health risk of Trasylol may have caused thousand of unnecessary deaths as well as caused many heart surgery recipients to suffer unnecessary kidney failure damage. Because of the large number of people this drug may have hurt or killed, several Trasylol Lawyers are investigating potential Trasylol lawsuits including when the manufacturer first learned of potential health risks of the drug and if anyone intentionally concealed these health risks. Further, several Trasylol lawyers are investigating if these same corporations and people may have over stated the benefits of Trasylol in order to maximize profits.
It is estimated that the annual projected sales of Trasylol was over $600 million producing huge profits for those that had a duty to disclose any know health hazards with the drug.
Texas Trasylol Attorney Jason Coomer is working with several lawyers throughout Texas and the United States in reviewing fatal Trasylol lawsuits and seeking compensation for those that have lost a loved one from the drug, are now on kidney dialysis for life, or have suffered a stroke. If you or a loved one have suffered a heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, or other health problems that you think was caused by Trasylol, please seek medical assistance as soon as possible and feel free to e-mail any questions you might have to trasylollawyer@texaslawyers.com.
Texas Dangerous Drug Lawyer Jason Coomer also works on Avandia Lawsuits, Antidepressant Drug Lawsuits, Pharmacy Misfill & Drug Interaction Lawsuits, Mesothelioma Lawsuits, and other Personal Injury Lawsuits.
FDA Actions on Trayslol
The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a Public Health Advisory alerting doctors who perform heart bypass surgery, and their patients, that Trasyolol (aprotinin injection), a drug used to prevent blood loss during surgery, has been linked to higher risks of serious side effects including kidney problems, heart attacks and strokes in patients who undergo artery bypass graft surgery.
The FDA has also requested a suspension in the marketing of the drug Trayslol in the interest of patient safety based on their preliminary investigations of health problems and adverse reactions that have been associated with the use of Trayslol. The FDA is still investigating Trayslol and is working with Bayer, the study's researchers at the Ottawa Health Research Institute, and other regulatory agencies to undertake a thorough analysis of data to better understand the risks and benefits of Trasylol.
Unfortunately, there are limited treatment options for patients at risk for excessive bleeding during cardiac surgery. Thus, FDA is working with Bayer to phase Trasylol out of the marketplace in a way that does not cause shortages of other drugs used for this purpose.
The FDA has been notified that researchers with the Ottawa Health Institute stopped a study on Trasylol because the drug appeared to increase the risk for death compared to two other antifibrinolytic drugs used in the study. Antifibrinolytic drugs help slow the breakdown of blood clots and subsequent excessive bleeding. The preliminary data from this terminated study also suggested that fewer patients receiving the drug experienced serious bleeding events and that Trasylol may not be as effective as once believed or marketed.
The Use of Trasylol in Heart Surgery Increases the Risk of Kidney Failure and other Health Problems
Recently, scientific evidence has found that Trasylol, a drug frequently used during heart surgery to control bleeding, has been found to increase the risk of kidney failure in patients. Kidney failure can lead to death or requiring people to undergo kidney dialysis. It is estimated that over 100,000 people have been forced to undergo dialysis after receiving the drug.
A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) in January of 2006 revealed that Trasylol, in addition to increasing the risk of kidney failure in patients, Trasylol also increases the risk of heart attack, heart failure, and strokes. After this study many health care providers became aware of the dangers in using Trasylol.
It is estimated that over 20,000 people have died from use of Trasylol and Trasylol has increased worldwide medical costs by more than $1 billion per year.
Trasylol Lawsuit Lawyers
Texas Dangerous Drug Attorney Jason Coomer commonly works with other lawyers throughout Texas and the United States including Houston Trasylol Lawyers, Boston Trasylol Lawyers, San Antonio Pharmaceutical Lawsuit Lawyers, Dallas Defective Medication Lawsuit Lawyers, and other Austin Dangerous Drug Lawsuit Lawyers. By sharing information and working together, his law firm and other firms throughout Texas and the United States are able to provide better representation for there clients.
If you or a loved one have suffered a heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, or other health problems that you think was caused by Trasylol, please seek medical assistance as soon as possible and feel free to e-mail any questions you might have to trasylol@texaslawyers.com.
Texas Trasylol Kidney Failure Lawyer
Jason Coomer also works on
Avandia Lawsuits,
Antidepressant Drug
Lwsuits, Pharmacy
Misfill & Drug Interaction Lawsuits,
Lawsuits, and other Personal Injury
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