Travis County Guardianship Lawyer Handles Travis County Guardianship Lawsuits Which Are Becoming More Common as Many Retired and Elderly People Are Moving to Austin, Lake Travis, and Central Texas by Travis County Texas Guardianship Lawyer and Travis County Guardian Lawyer Jason S. Coomer 

Travis County Texas guardianship lawsuits are becoming more common as more and more retired people are moving to Austin, Lake Travis, and the Central Texas Hill Country. As these people continue to age, some become unable to take care of themselves and require a Travis County Guardianship Lawyer to help set up a Travis County guardianship.    Travis County Texas Guardian Lawyer, Jason Coomer works with families that need to file an Application for Guardianship or Contest an Application for Guardianship in the Travis County Probate Court and in the Austin area.  For questions on a guardianship lawsuit or contesting a guardianship lawsuit, please feel free to send an e-mail message to Austin Travis County Guardianship Lawyer Jason S. Coomer at or use our Law Office contact form.

Travis County Guardianship Lawsuits, Travis County Guardianship Applications, Travis County Guardian Lawsuits, and Travis County Alleged and Proposed Ward Hearings

As some retired and elderly people age some become unable to take care of themselves and their finances.  When a person becomes unable to take care of their daily needs, a danger to themselves, a danger to others, or cannot handle their finances, they will often need a guardian to take care of them and their estate.  In these situations, it is important to contact a Texas guardian lawyer to help determine the best way to help the proposed ward.  As a Travis County Guardianship Lawyer, Jason Coomer works with families that need to file a Travis County Guardianship Lawsuit to help a family member that is unable to take care of themselves.

A Travis County Texas Application for Guardianship Can Help Protect an Incapacitated Person by Appointing a Guardian for a Person and a Guardian for their Estate

It can be a difficult or easy decision to file an application of guardianship for a loved one depending on your circumstances.  If your loved one is obviously a danger to themselves and is unable to handle their own finances, it is often best to work with an Austin Travis County Guardianship Lawyer and the person's family and friends to protect them from the potential dangers of harming themselves as well as to protect them from people and businesses that might try to take their money.

One of the first steps in moving forward with an application of guardianship is to get your loved one to a doctor.  Having a medical doctor examine the person and determine if they are competent is an important first step to determine if the potential ward's condition is reversible and to what extent incompetence has occurred.

As a Travis County Probate Lawyer It Is Sometimes Necessary to Request an Independent Medical Examination to Determine If A Person Needs A Guardianship 

If the proposed ward will not see a medical doctor, it may be necessary to file an Application for Guardianship to get the person the medical treatment that they need.  If they do see a medical doctor and the condition is not reversible as well as is severe, it also may be necessary to file an Application for Guardianship.

Typically, a Texas Probate Court will look to alternative less drastic measures to avoid a guardianship or making someone a ward.  This is because a guardianship takes a person's rights away including use of their finances and decisions on their daily care.  An Application for a Guardianship should only be filed to further a person's best interests.

As an Austin Guardianship Lawyer, Jason Coomer helps families find alternatives to guardianships, file applications for guardianships, contest applications for guardianships, file breach of fiduciary duty claims against guardians that have mismanaged or stolen money, and defend guardians that have been accused of misappropriation of funds. 

Travis County Guardian Lawyer, Travis County Guardianship Application Lawyer, Travis County Contest Lawyer, Travis County Competence Lawyer, Travis County Contested Guardianship Lawyer, and Travis County Alleged and Proposed Ward Hearing Lawyer

Austin Travis County Texas Guardianship Lawyer, Jason Coomer works with families and friends that are filing for an Application of Guardianship or are contesting an Application of Guardianship.  For questions on Applications of Guardianship, Contesting an Application of Guardianship, Guardian Fraud, Guardian Reports, and other Guardianship issues, please e-mail Austin Guardian Attorney Jason S. Coomer at or use our contact form The Law Offices of Jason S. Coomer.

The Law Offices of Jason S. Coomer, PLLC
3901 S. Lamar Blvd., Ste. 260
Austin, Texas 78704

(512) 474-1477


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