Texas Work Places Have Become More Dangerous and Deadly On The Job Accidents Have Become More Common by Texas Work Place Accident Lawyer, Texas Worker Death Lawyer, and Texas On The Job Fatal Accident Lawyer Jason S. Coomer
Work places can be extremely dangerous. Falling objects, dangerous machinery, serious falls, electrocutions, explosions, toxic exposure, drunk drivers, hidden traps, and several other dangerous conditions can kill workers. It is estimated that over 7,000 workers per year are killed in on the job work related accidents. This does not include undocumented workers and many workers killed by toxic exposures. The families of these workers including spouses, children, and parents often don't realize that they may be entitled to compensation for the loss of a loved one. By filing a claim under Texas law the spouse, children, or parents of a loved one can often ensure that a full investigation of the fatal accident is done, help future workers and their families from suffering similar fatal accidents by changing dangerous policies and conditions, and collect compensation for the loss of their loved one and the loss of their loved one's financial support.
If you have lost a person that you love from a fatal workplace accident and need a Texas Accidental Death Lawyer to investigate an accidental death claim, please feel free to e-mail Texas Work Place Accident Death Lawyer and Texas On The Job Deadly Accident Lawyer Jason Coomer with your name & contact information or use our online form for a free case evaluation.
Problems with OSHA Limits Work Place Safety and Protection of Workers
Since the creation of OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) in 1970, the number of work place deaths and serious injuries have decreased. However, the current administration has put safety on the back burner and has actually started blaming workers instead of employers for on the job deaths. They have changed how work place deaths are tabulated and have allowed work places all over the United States to become more dangerous. They also do very limited investigations after a death compared to the OSHA of the past.
Under the guise of limiting red tape and regulations, OSHA no longer protects workers and ensures that work places are safe as they have under past administrations. As such, it has fallen on work place accidental death lawyers and the families of those wrongfully killed, to investigate work place accidents and employer negligence that have killed employees.
Texas Workers Compensation, Texas Responsible Third Party Death Lawsuits, and Texas Nonsubscriber Death Claim Lawsuits
In Texas, some work related deaths fall under Texas workers compensation laws. In such instances, workers comp benefits are given to the dependants of the decedent and then the family of the decedent is prevented from filing a law suit against the employer. However, in these instances it is always a good idea to look for potential responsible third parties including making sure that the employer is actually the one paying the person's pay check and controlling the work place. In many situations an independent contractor, subcontractor, or other responsible third party may be responsible for the death of a worker. In these situations a law suit can be filed against the responsible third party to obtain money compensation from the responsible third party. If the employer does not have worker compensation insurance, the family of the worker can file suit directly against the employer for an accidental death of a loved one. These claims are called non-subscriber claims.
The loss of a loved one that is a main contributor of financial support to your family can be devastating. This loss can cause a ripple affect of other damages that can result in the loss of a home, loss of vehicles, loss of ability to go to college, and other serious financial problems.
As such, it can be important to thoroughly investigate the death of any loved one and understand all potential sources of compensation that can be obtained through the legal system and insurance. Under Texas law there are two types of death actions, there is the wrongful death claim that is available to the spouse, parents, and children of a person that has been wrongfully killed by the negligent actions of another. There is also a survival action that passes through the decedent's estate. In addition to these causes of action under Texas law, there are also life insurance, accidental death insurance, and other forms of insurance that should be investigated.
Losing any loved one is difficult. This is especially true if the loved one is killed by the carelessness, conscious disregard, or negligence of a careless employer or employee. As a Texas Accidental Death Lawyer, Jason Coomer helps people that have lost family members and loved ones through on the job accidents, car crashes, truck collisions, accidental shootings, drunk drivers, dangerous conditions, explosions, fires, failure to follow safety procedures, motorcycle wrecks, falls, toxic exposures, automobile accidents, falling objects, negligent use of heavy equipment, and other claims resulting in accidental death. Jason Coomer represents the families of people that have been fatally injured at work and asserts the families' rights after an accident, performing a full investigation of how the employee was killed and if there is a viable wrongful death claim as well as to determine what happened and how to prevent any other accidental deaths from occurring in the same way.
If you think you may have an wrongful death claim and need a Texas Lawyer to investigate an accidental death claim, please feel free to e-mail Texas Accidental Death Lawyer Jason Coomer with your name & contact information, the name of the person that was killed, the date the person was killed, how the person was killed, and who you think was responsible for the wrongful death.
By Filing An Accident Death Lawsuit Families Can Often Ensure That Polices Are Changed and Similar Work Place Accidents Do Not Occur In The Future
Jason Coomer works with all parties to make sure that additional accidental deaths do not occur in the same manner. Through his efforts, policies and safety regulations throughout North America have been changed to make work places safer. He has also worked hard to obtain compensation for those left behind including reimbursement for medical bills, funeral costs, lost future earnings, pain & suffering, and other damages suffered.
Whether a person is accidentally killed by a hazardous defect or the carelessness of another, individuals often need assistance in dealing with and seeking just compensation from insurance companies and large corporations. Corporations that carelessly kill a person will all too often spend a lot of money fighting the claim instead of compensating the family for the loss and fixing the problem. Unfortunately, insurance companies are often the same way. Having an experienced wrongful death attorney on your side can force large corporations and insurance companies to do the right thing and value life and safety above profits.
Texas Work Place Accident Lawyer, Texas Construction Site Death Lawyer, and Texas On The Job Fatal Accident Lawyer
In handling accidental death claims, Jason Coomer has been fortunate enough to represent and help some really good people that had lost loved ones to terrible accidents. He has been honored and a privileged to work through the justice system to help improve safety and hold people responsible when they value money over the lives and safety of Texans. He has worked and works with El Paso Texas Work Place Accident Lawyers, Houston Work Place Accident Death lawyers, Dallas Work Death lawyers, San Antonio Work Death lawyers, and other Texas Work Accident Death lawyers.
If you have lost a loved one and that loved one was killed through the negligence of a drunk driver, careless driver, negligent corporation, irresponsible land owner, out of control teenager with negligent parents, or other wrongful actor, Jason Coomer is available to review and investigate your potential wrongful death claim. Please feel free to e-mail Texas Wrongful Death Lawyer Jason Coomer with your name & contact information, the name of the person that was killed, the date the person was killed, how the person was killed, and who you think was responsible for the wrongful death.
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