The trucking industry is a multi-billion dollar
industry that is essential to our economy. It delivers the food,
clothing, building materials, and other products that we use.
Unfortunately, with these large vehicles driving on our roads and
highways comes the potential of catastrophic damages. Untrained,
overworked, or inexperienced drivers all too often lose control of
their vehicles causing them to jackknife, overturn, or collide with
passenger vehicles. With the deregulation of trucking industry in
Texas and NAFTA, has come more collisions and more fatal accidents.
According to the Texas Motor Transportation
Association, about two decades ago 5,000 Texas transportation companies
had licenses to operate. That number is now more than 45,000. There are
more commercial trucks on Texas roads as well as more chances for fatal
Texas Directory Lawyers Jason Coomer, Bob Binder, and Tom Crosley all handle truck accident claims.
When a large commercial truck collides with a smaller passenger vehicle, the people in the smaller vehicle usually suffer the brunt of the impact. Automobile accidents are dangerous and take more lives than any other form of transportation. Your best protection from a collision with a large semi or other commercial truck is space. Try not to drive beside them and give them room. If you see one driving dangerously, report them.
If you or someone you love are in a wreck with a commercial vehicle, it is important to obtain excellent legal representation to protect your or your loved one's rights and to make sure that an investigation as to the cause of the collision in done correctly. If you have questions about Texas Trucking Safety or Collisions, feel free to e-mail
To learn more about trucking regulations and collisions or the Texas truck collision lawyers on please follow the links below.