Chemicals are all around us. Since the late 1950s, there has been tremendous technological advances in the Petrochemical and Plastic Industries. These advances have given society useful products and put billions of dollars in the pockets of large corporations including Monsanto, B.F. Goodrich, Dow Chemical, Ethyl, Exxon, DuPonte, and Union Carbide. These advances have also caused the release of numerous new toxins into our environment leading to an increase in cancer, birth defects, and sterylization.
Though we want numerous chemical products in our modern lives, it is important to know the human and environment cost of making and using these chemicals. As important is to make sure that some people do not illegally or negligently dump or release harmful chemicals where they can contaminate drinking water or injure large numbers of people. If you feel you have been poisoned through the negligent or intentional acts of others, it is important to seek medical help to determine how to best detoxify your system.
It is then a good idea to contact the authorities and/or file a law suit to make sure that the contamination is cleaned up and no further pollution occurs.
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