Texas Dentist Malpractice Lawyer Handles Catastrophic Injury and Fatal Dental Mistake Lawsuits by Texas Dental Malpractice Lawyer Jason S. Coomer
Texas dental malpractice lawyer, Jason Coomer, handles catastrophic dental malpractice and dentist mistake lawsuits. Because the cost of litigating dental malpractice cases is significant, he limits his practice to catastrophic injury and death cases. These cases include permanent impairment and disfigurement cases requiring significant medical treatment. If you need a Dental Malpractice Lawyer for a catastrophic injury or fatal mistake case, please feel free to contact Texas Dental Malpractice Lawyer, Jason S. Coomer.. Additionally, his office frequently works with other Malpractice Lawyers throughout Texas and the United States on more severe cases.Dental Mistake Lawsuit, Dentist Malpractice Lawsuit, Improper Wisdom Teeth Extraction Lawsuit, Dentist Unnecessary Procedure Lawsuit, Dentist Anesthesia Lawsuit, Dental Implant Lawsuit, Orthodontist Malpractice Lawsuit, and other Dental Malpractice Lawsuit Information
Improperly performed dental procedures can cause extraction nerve injuries, implant injuries, anesthesia injuries, the onset of oral cancer, and serious infections. While performing dental procedures, dentists should exercise extreme care not to injure vital anatomical structures in the oral cavity including the severing the lingual nerve or damaging other nerves because an injury to the lingual nerve can cause permanent nerve damage and related symptoms such as a numb tongue and difficulty speaking.
Improper wisdom teeth extractions can cause serious injuries including permanent damage to of the jaw, tongue, and mouth floor that can result in drooling, difficulty speaking, and problems eating. In some cases, a transection of lingual nerve or severing of the lingual nerve during a wisdom tooth extraction can result in permanent numbness of half of the jaw, drooling and constant biting of of tongue.
Dental Mistake Lawsuit, Dentist Malpractice Lawsuit, Improper Wisdom Teeth Extraction Lawsuit, Dentist Unnecessary Procedure Lawsuit, Dentist Anesthesia Lawsuit, Dental Implant Lawsuit, Orthodontist Malpractice Lawsuit, and other Dental Malpractice Lawsuit Information
To make money many dentists, orthodontists, periodontists, and other dental professionals create assembly line practices where they try to see as many patients as possible and try to push patients through as quickly as possible. These dental assembly line practices often result in improper dental care for the patient and dentists that push unnecessary treatments to patients that do not need them. As such, it is important for dental patients and parents of dental patients to be aware of improper dental practices that are more interested in money than in patients and that are committing dental malpractice and/or dental Medicaid fraud.
As a Texas Dental malpractice lawyer Jason Coomer handles Texas dental medical malpractice lawsuits as well as commonly works with other Dental Malpractice Lawyers and Dental Medicaid Fraud Lawyers throughout the nation to seek compensation for injured patients that have been injured through dental mistakes and medical carelessness.
Causes of Wisdom Teeth Extraction Injuries, Dental Implant Injuries, and other Dental Malpractice Mistakes
Unfortunately, dental mistakes happen when dentists, orthodontists, periodontists, and other dental professions get too busy, are under the influence of drugs, or are just not paying attention. Other dental mistakes occur when the dentist office is understaffed or overworked. As dental budgets go down and healing people becomes more of a for profit business, cost cutting measures are causing more dental mistakes. Overworked dentists, orthodontists, and periodontists are much more likely to make mistakes than well rested health care professionals.
Dental malpractice and dental mistakes also happen more often when no one is watching. It is extremely important when you or your child are having a dental work done, that someone is with you and watching out for your well being. This is especially true if you are going to a new dentist, orthodontist, or periodontist. Communication with your health care professionals is also important and can greatly limit dental mistakes.
If you feel you or your child has been the victim of dental malpractice and need a dental malpractice lawyer because you or a loved one has been seriously injured by dentist, orthodontist, or periodontist, it is important to investigate the claim and make sure that it does not happen again.
Dental Professional Mistake Lawsuit, Dentist Malpractice Lawsuit, Improper Wisdom Teeth Extraction Lawsuit, Dentist Unnecessary Procedure Lawsuit, Dentist Anesthesia Lawsuit, Dental Implant Lawsuit, Orthodontist Malpractice Lawsuit, and other Dental Malpractice Lawsuit Information
The American Dental Association recognizes nine dental specialties: Public Health Dentistry, Endodontics, Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology, Oral & Maxillofacial Radiology, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (Oral Surgeon), Orthodontics, Pediatric Dentistry, Periodontics, Prosthodontics, and General Dentistry. Dental Fields that are not recognized specialties in the United States include cosmetic dentistry - Dental Implantology - Temporomandibular joint disorder - Geriatric dentistry - Restorative dentistry - Forensic odontology - Dental traumatology
Dental malpractice can arise from a variety of improperly performed dental procedures including dental surgery, dental extraction, tooth filling, root canal therapy, root end surgery, scaling and root planing, teeth cleaning, tooth bonding, tooth polishing, and tooth bleaching.
In addition to dentist, orthodontists, and periodontists committing dental malpractice, the dental staff including dental assistants, dental hygienists, dental technicians, and dental therapists can also commit mistakes that can lead to injuries or malpractice.
Communication of Dental Malpractice, Unnecessary Dental Procedures, and Dental Mistakes Help Prevent Future Dental Mistakes
Most dentists, dental practices, and large dental companies typically provide good quality dental care, but sometimes mistakes are made and some dentists, dental practices or dental companies are just trying to make a profit at the expense of patients and children. When having dental care performed on yourself or for your children, communication is essential to protecting yourself and your children from potential dental malpractice or from being taken advantage. By communicating with staff about the services being provided, patients and parents can learn why procedures are being done, why the dentist or orthodontist believes the procedure is important, and the potential dangers of having the procedure done or not done.
If a dental mistake is made it is important to report the mistake and if the mistake causes serious injury or death it is important to investigate a potential dental malpractice lawsuit to determine why it occurred and prevent if from happening to anyone else. This is because dental mistakes that no one knows about will not be noticed and will not result in future better dental care. Dental mistakes that are reported will help other patients and are an essential part of the feedback needed to improve our health care delivery system.
Dental Professional Mistake Lawyer, Dentist Malpractice Lawyer, Improper Wisdom Teeth Extraction Lawyer, Dentist Unnecessary Procedure Lawyer, Dentist Anesthesia Lawyer, Dental Implant Lawyer, Orthodontist Malpractice Lawyer, and other Dental Malpractice Lawyers
Texas dental malpractice lawyer and unnecessary dental procedure lawyer, Jason Coomer handles Texas dental malpractice lawsuits and dental Medicaid Fraud lawsuits. As a dental malpractice lawyer he commonly works with other dental malpractice lawyers throughout Texas and the United States including San Antonio dentist malpractice lawyers, South Texas dentist mistake Lawyers, West Texas dentist negligence lawyers, Illinois failed wisdom teeth extraction lawyers, Chicago dentist malpractice lawyers, Chicago orthodontist mistake Lawyers, Illinois dentist mistake lawyers, Dallas unnecessary dental procedure lawyers, Houston dental Medicaid fraud lawyers, Houston teeth extraction injury lawyers, and other dental mistake lawyer to seek compensation from negligent dentists, orthodontists, dental practices, dental offices, and negligent health care providers that have severely injured or killed patients through dental mistakes and dental carelessness as well as fraudulent Medicaid billing practices that can hurt patients.
If you need a Texas Dental Malpractice Lawyer, Wisdom Teeth Extraction Mistake Lawyer, or Dental Unnecessary Procedure Lawyer, feel free to contact Texas Dental Malpractice Attorney, Jason S. Coomer. His office frequently works with other Dental Malpractice Lawyers, Texas Dentist Mistake Lawyers, and Unnecessary Dental Procedure Lawyers throughout Texas and the United States.
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