Austin Texas Drunk Driver Accident Death Lawyer Handles Texas Drunk Driver Accident Death Lawsuits Where an Intoxicated Driver Negligently Kills Another Person or Persons in a Fatal Drunk Driver Car Wreck by Austin Texas Drunk Driver Accident Death Lawyer and Austin Texas Fatal Drunk Driver Accident Lawyer Jason S. Coomer
Austin Texas drunk driver accident death lawyer and Austin Texas fatal drunk driver accident lawyer Jason Coomer handles Texas drunk driver death accidents where a drunk driver negligently kills another person or persons in a fatal drunk driver car wreck. If you have have lost a loved one due the carelessness of a intoxicated driver, feel free to submit an inquiry to Austin Texas Drunk Driver Fatal Accident Lawyer Jason Coomer for a Free Online Evaluation of your potential claim. You can also send an e-mail with your name, address, date of automobile accident, location of the automobile accident, name of one or more of the drivers in the automobile accident, and a brief description of the accident.
Every Year Thousands of Texans Are Killed by the Negligence of Drunk Drivers: These People Leave Behind Mothers, Fathers, Wives, Children, and other Family Members that Have Potential Legal Claims Under Texas Law For Their Loss
Every year thousands of Texans are killed by the negligence of drunk drivers, intoxicated drivers, and drivers under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Many of the people that are killed by drunk and intoxicated drivers, leave behind spouses, parents, children, and other loved ones that are devastated by their loss. These mothers, fathers, wives, husbands, sons, and daughters have the ability under Texas law to file wrongful death lawsuits against the intoxicated and negligent driver, the people or businesses that over served the drunk with alcohol, and the business or people that gave the vehicle to the drunk driver to drive.
It is common that many people who have lost a loved one to a drunk driver, do not realize that they may have a viable wrongful death or survival lawsuit against the person that negligently or recklessly killed their loved one as well as other parties that contributed to the drunk driver driving and causing the collision. Under Texas law, Parents, Children, and Spouses of persons killed by drunk drivers have potential wrongful death claims against the drunk driver that killed their mother, father, husband, wife, son, or daughter. Through these wrongful death lawsuits and survival actions the relatives of a person killed by a drunk driver can often recover from the drunk driver's insurance company, the drunk driver, parent that provided alcohol to minors that were driving, or the bar where the drunk was drinking.
Texas Mothers Against Drunk Driver MADD and other Support Groups Can help Parents, Children and others that have Lost Loved Ones in a Drunk Driver Fatal Accident
Texas has many support groups including Texas MADD that can help Parents, Children, and others that have lost loved ones in drunk driver accidents. These groups can provide support to grieving fathers, mothers, wives, husbands, sons, daughters, and other loved ones that have lost important people in their lives. Texas MADD has support groups and affiliates all over Texas as well as offices in Austin, Killeen, Tyler, Beaumont, Bryan, Dallas, Fort Worth, Mckinney, San Antonio, Corpus Christi, Edinburg, Houston, El Paso, and Lubbock. For more information on Texas MADD and an alphabetical listing of the counties with affiliates, please go to the Texas MADD Web Site.
Austin Texas Drunk Driver Accident Death Lawyer Handles Texas Drunk Driver Accident Death Lawsuits Where an Intoxicated Driver Negligently Kills Another Person or Persons in a Fatal Drunk Driver Car Wreck
Texas Fatal Drunk Driver Collision Lawyer has represented parents that have lost a child from the negligence of a drunk driver as well as parents that have had their child suffer catastrophic injuries from the negligence of an intoxicated driver. He has also represented wives that have lost their husbands because of the negligence of an intoxicated driver as well as children that have lost their parents in a fatal accident. In working on these cases, not only did his law office investigate the cases, they worked with local law enforcement in making sure that the drunk driver was prosecuted under Texas criminal law.
If you think you may have a wrongful death lawsuit and need a Texas Lawyer to investigate a Texas intoxicated driver collision lawsuit, please feel free to e-mail Texas Drunk Driver Accident Death Lawyer Jason Coomer with your name & contact information, the name of the person that was wrongfully killed, the date the person was killed, the location of the fatal accident, and the name of the drunk driver.
Texas Wrongful Death and Accidental Death Lawsuit Damages and Finding Insurance for a Drunk Driver Death Lawsuit
After losing a loved one in an accident, it can be difficult to locate all potential insurance recoveries as well as to prove to insurance companies and guilty defendants the full extent of damages that your family has suffered. This is true even if the damages suffered include the loss of a main contributor of financial support to your family or if there are large medical and funeral bills created by the death. These damages can cause a ripple affect of other damages that can result in the loss of a home, loss of vehicles, loss of ability to go to college, and other serious financial problems. This web page is designed to assist Texas families that have had a loved one accidentally killed investigate an accidental death claim and determine if money compensation can be obtained to help offset the damages that have been suffered.
In thoroughly investigating the death of a loved one, it is important to understand the potential different types of compensation that can be obtained through the Texas legal system and insurance policies. Under Texas law there are two main types of death actions, there is the wrongful death claim that is available to the spouse, parents, and children of a person that has been wrongfully killed by the negligent actions of another. There is also a survival action that passes through the decedent's estate and allows the heirs or beneficiaries of a decedent to seek compensation.
The Wrongful Death Claim seeks money
compensation for the parents, spouse and children of the
decedent based on a variety of factors including:
- Loss of love, companionship, comfort, assistance,
protection, affection or care
- Loss of financial support
- Lost benefits, such as insurance, from the death
- Loss of inheritance from an untimely death
The survival action are claims for what the decedent would
have recovered had the person survived the accident.
These claims travel through the decedent's estate and either
go to their heirs or beneficiaries depending if the person
had done any estate planning. These damages include:
- Expenses associated with the death
including funeral costs
- Medical expenses prior to the death
- Pain and suffering associated with the untimely death
In addition to seeking compensation from defendants
responsible for the accidental death of a loved one,
insurance can often provide compensation for the loss of a
loved one. Accidental Death Policies, Life Insurance
Policies, Homeowners Insurance, General Commercial Insurance
Policies, and Automobile Accident Policies are all types of
insurance that can compensate widows and Texas families for
the accidental death of a loved one. In many instances
if the party that killed your loved one is a business
corporation, the party will have a general commercial policy
of one million dollars to insure them from catastrophic
injuries and death. These policy can sometimes be
hidden until a formal demand is made to the company
responsible for the death. Additionally, if the party
that accidentally killed your loved one owns a home they
will probably have a homeowners insurance policy that may
compensate for an accidental death including deaths caused
by fire and smoke, an accidental shooting or stray bullet,
negligent children, attack dogs, dangerous condition on the
property, or other negligence committed by a homeowner.
Like other insurance policies, these policies must be
triggered within a certain time of the death and will not be
automatically triggered. A formal demand typically
must be made to trigger these insurance policies.
Austin Texas Drunk Driver Accident Death Lawyer Handles Texas Drunk Driver Accident Death Lawsuits Where an Intoxicated Driver Negligently Kills Another Person or Persons in a Fatal Drunk Driver Car Wreck by Austin Texas Drunk Driver Death Lawyer and Austin Texas Fatal Drunk Driver Accident Lawyer Jason S. Coomer
If you have lost a loved one and that
loved one was killed through the negligence of a drunk
driver, Texas Drunk Driver Lawyer Jason Coomer is available
to review and investigate your potential wrongful death
Please feel free to e-mail Austin Texas Drunk Driver Wreck
Lawyer Jason Coomer with your name & contact information,
the name of the person that was killed, the date the person
was killed,
where the drunk driver collision happened, the name of the
drunk driver, and if the drunk driver was arrested for
Driving While Intoxicated.
Feel Free to Contact Us with any Questions