Austin Will Lawyer Jason Coomer Handles Will Probate Lawsuits, Contested Will Issues, Will Drafting Issues, and other Inheritance Issues by Austin Will Lawyer Jason S. Coomer
Austin Will Lawyer Jason Coomer helps people probate Wills after they have lost a loved one. He provides Will probate services in several central Texas counties including Travis County, Williamson County, Bexar County, and Hays County as well as works with other lawyers across Texas including Dallas County, Harris County, Fort Bend County, and Tarrant County.
For questions on Wills and Trusts, please e-mail Austin Will Attorney Jason S. Coomer at or contact us online. Austin Will Lawyer, Jason Coomer works to draft Wills and Trusts to protect the wishes and best interests of his clients.
What Is a Will?
A Will is a written legal declaration of a person's intentions which he or she wants or wills to be performed after his or her death. The Will makes dispositions of property, sets up trusts, and establishes guardians upon a person's death. Under Texas law a Will must identify the Testator, be written with "testamentary intent", and be executed with requisite testamentary formalities. It also requires that the Testator have "testamentary capacity" including being of sound mind.
A Will can be straight forward and simple or very complex depending on the estate and what the Testator wants to accomplish. In drafting a Will a Texas lawyer will need to gather information from the Testator including estate assets; the names of beneficiaries, executors, trustees, and representatives; and the goals of the Testator.
If you are interested in a Will, it is probably best to contact an attorney and pay a little bit to have things done correctly. If you do not, a invalid Will can be thrown out resulting in substantial legal costs, delays, and unnecessary tax liability.
- Simple Wills for married couple
- Every family should have a will. You should appoint guardians for your children, and may want to create a trust to hold your estate's assets until your children are of legal age. Along with each spouse's will, The Law Offices of Jason S. Coomer can draft powers of attorney and other forms needed to protect your assets and children as well as your health if you become incapacitated.
- Simple Will for single person
- If you are not married and do not have children, it is a good idea to designate the beneficiaries that you want to have your property and sign a durable power of attorney and medical power of attorney to protect you in case of incapacity. Texas law will not make distributions to friends and significant others if you are not married, and if no preplanning is done you may be surprised who makes decisions for you.
- Wills and bypass trust
- If your estate exceeds $1 million the taxes that your estate will pay can be greatly reduced if you and your spouse have created a bypass trust.
The Law Offices of Jason S. Coomer can draft a trust to fit you and your families specific needs. Remember, the amount of protected estate proceed changes from year to year and if you do not plan accordingly, your estate can be subject to an approximately 50% tax. This can be devastating for family businesses and greatly disappoint beneficiaries.
Living Trusts With Bypass Trust Provisions And Pourover Wills
Along with saving time and money a living trust can eliminate the need to have a public court hearing, thus protecting your privacy. Furthermore a living trust will assist in the management of your assets if you become disabled, and deter possible heirs from challenging your estate plan. However, it is important to understand the benefits and drawbacks of a living trust, prior to setting one up.
Estate Planning
- Life insurance trust
- In most cases life insurance is exempt from income tax but it is included in the taxes that your estate will pay. A life insurance trust can save your estate and it's heirs time and money after your death.
- Residence trust
- This type of trust can help save on the estate taxes that would be paid on the value of your home.
Austin Will Lawyer, Jason Coomer works to draft Wills and Trusts to protect the wishes and best interests of his clients. For questions on Wills and Trusts, please e-mail Austin Will Attorney Jason S. Coomer at or contact us online
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