Health Care Fraud Lawyer Handles Health Care Fraud Lawsuits, Insurance Fraud Lawsuits, and Health Care Qui Tam Lawsuits by Health Care Fraud Lawyer and Health Care Fraud Whistleblower Lawyer
In the United States, the cost of health care continues to increase creating significant problems for many Americans and the United States Economy. A significant cause of this increase in medical costs is healthcare fraud including fraudulent billing practices; unnecessary procedures, operations, medications, and treatments; insurance fraud; and Medicare fraud.
If you are a health care professional, whistle blower, or American Hero that is aware of a health care provider committing health care fraud including Medicare Fraud or insurance fraud, feel free to contact Health Care Billing Fraud Lawyer Jason Coomer via e-mail message or our submission form about a potential whistleblower, health care fraud, insurance fraud, or qui tam lawsuit.
Health Care Billing Fraud Law Suits (Fraud Costs Tax Payers and Consumers Hundreds of Billions of Dollars)
Health Care Expenses in the United States have increased to be over Two Trillion ($2,000,000,000,000.00) Dollars each year. This amount continues to rise as many unnecessary procedures and treatments are performed as well as unscrupulous health care provided fraudulently billing for medical services that are never performed committing billing fraud, insurance fraud, double billing, and other health care fraud that costs hundreds of billions of dollars.
From a taxpayer stand point, health care fraud costs taxpayers between $60 billion and $100 billion each year. This cost increases dramatically when you include other forms of health care fraud including insurance fraud and fraud on patients.
Health Care Billing Fraud Law Suits (Insurance Fraud Law Suits)
Whistle Blowers have been able to expose insurance fraud that raise premiums and cause increased health care costs. Exposing insurance fraud is an important part of limiting health care costs and not only helps insurance companies, but helps consumers that are paying unnecessary deductibles and co-pays.
Health Care Billing Fraud Law Suits (Qui Tam Law Suits)
Through Whistle Blower Lawsuits, Qui Tam Lawsuits, and other Health Care Fraud Lawsuits, hundreds of billions of dollars have been recovered from individuals and organizations that have committed health care fraud and stolen large amounts of money from the government.
It is extremely important that Whistle Blowers continue to expose fraudulent billing practices and unnecessary treatments that cost hundreds of billions of dollars. If you are aware of a large health care company or individual that is defrauding the United States Government out of millions or billions of dollars, contact Health Care Billing Fraud lawyer Jason Coomer. As a Texas Health Care Fraud Lawyer, he works with other powerful qui tam lawyers that handle large Health Care Government Fraud cases. He works with San Antonio Health Care Fraud Lawyers, Dallas Health Care Fraud Lawyers, Houston Medicare Fraud Lawyers, and other Texas Health Care Fraud Lawyers as well as with Health Care Fraud Lawyers throughout the nation to blow the whistle on fraud that hurts the United States.
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