Medicare Home Health Care Fraud At Retirement Communities Is On The Rise and Employees of Retirement Communities Can Receive Large Rewards For Exposing Medicare Fraud Schemes Including Billing for Services Not Provided, Double Billing, and Illegal Kickbacks by Texas Home Health Care Fraud Lawyer, Retirement Community Fraud Lawyer, & Medicare Home Health Care Fraud Whistleblower Lawyer Jason S. Coomer
Medicare home health fraud in retirement communities is on the rise as some health care providers and retirement communities are using Medicare billing fraud and Medicare kickback schemes to bill Medicare for services that are not provided and taking advantage of Seniors and taxpayers. These fraudulent home health care service schemes can be difficult to detect and it often will take a home health care service employee or retirement center employee to blow the whistle on the home health care Medicare fraud scheme or home health care Medicaid scheme.
As such, the United States Department of Justice and Texas Home Health Care Medicare Fraud Lawyer, Jason S. Coomer, are encouraging Home Health Care Medicare Fraud Whistleblowers and Retirement Community Fraud Whistleblowers with evidence of systematic Home Health Care Medicare fraud or systematic Home Health Care Medicaid fraud to step up and blow the whistle on home health care fraud schemes. For more information on a being a Medicare Home Health Care Fraud Whistleblower or Medicaid Home Health Care Fraud Whistleblower that could be entitled to a large recovery for exposing systematic Medicare Home Health Care Fraud or Medicaid Home Health Care Fraud, please feel free to contact Medicare Home Health Care Fraud Lawyer Jason Coomer via e-mail message or use our submission form.
Many "For Profit" Home Health Care Providers and Retirement Communities Have Developed Medicare Fraud, Medicaid Fraud, and Medicare Kickback Schemes Where Patients Do Not Receive Medical Care That is Billed to Medicare or Medicaid by Texas Retirement Community Home Health Care Medicare Fraud Lawyer Jason S. Coomer
Medicare home health care providers are a booming business as more and more people are becoming eligible for Medicare and are requiring home health care services. As such, some home health care providers including physicians, dentists, nurses, physical therapists, chiropractors, hospice providers, tansportation providers, home health agencies, medical equipment suppliers, laboratories, skilled nursing care agencies, and other medical providers are systematically committing Medicare billing fraud to increase their profits.
These "for profit" health care providers have turned traditional health care services into large health care for profit billing machines where they bill for services not provided and for drive by pop in services as they walk through a nursing home or retirement community. These assembly line medical providers will often heavily advertise in a retirement community and sign up several Medicare recipients or have a deal including possible kickbacks with the owners of the retirement community to be the sole provider of a health care service in the community.
Once the provider signs up numerous recipients for health care services, the fraudulent provider will then bill for everything they can and not provide the billed services. These Medicare and Medicaid fraudulent billing practices can include the following:
false billing for X-rays, blood tests and other procedures that were never performed
falsifying a patient’s diagnosis to justify unnecessary tests;
giving a patient a generic drug and billing for the name-brand version of the medication;
giving a recipient a motorized scooter and billing for an electric wheelchair, which can cost three times more;
billing Medicare or Medicaid for care not given;
billing Medicare or Medicaid for patients who have died or who are no longer eligible for Medicaid;
billing Medicare or Medicaid for care given to patients who have transferred to another provider;
transporting Medicare or Medicaid patients by ambulance when it is not medically necessary;
requiring vendors to “kick back” part of the money they receive for rendering services to Medicare and Medicaid patients (kickbacks may also include vacations, merchandise, etc.);
billing patients for services already paid for by Medicare or Medicaid;
billing Medicare or Medicaid for phantom patients;
double billing Medicare or Medicaid for services;
upcoding services for increased Medicare or Medicaid payments.
Medicare Fraud Whistleblowers Are Needed to Expose Nursing Home Medicare Fraud, Home Health Care Fraud, Hospice Medicare Fraud, Retirement Community Health Care Fraud, Hospital Medicare Fraud and Other Forms of Medicare Billing Fraud
Medicare fraud and Medicaid fraud are becoming the fastest growing and most lucrative crimes in the United States. It is estimated that Medicare fraud and Medicaid fraud costs tax payers between $70 Billion and $230 Billion each year. If you are a hospital administrator, nursing home administrator, physician, nurse, respiratory therapist, coder, accountant, dentist, health care coordinator, coding specialist, or other health care professional that is aware of Medicare fraud, it is important that you report the Medicare fraud. A Medicare fraud whistleblower can recover a portion of the recovery, if the fraud is properly reported.
Health Care Professionals and Retirement Community Employees Are Needed to Expose Retirement Community Medicare Fraud, Nursing Home Medicare Fraud, Home Health Care Fraud, Hospice Medicare Fraud, Retirement Community Health Care Fraud, Hospital Medicare Fraud and Other Forms of Medicare Billing Fraud
It is common for retirement community employees, hospital administrators, doctors, nurses, accountings, coders, billing specials, benefit coordinators, retirement center employees, compliance specialists, therapists and other health care professionals to have specialized knowledge of Medicare fraud, systematic Medicare Fraud, and fraudulent Medicare schemes. As such, it is important for these people to come forward with their knowledge and evidence of Medicare fraud.
It is also important for these health care professionals to understand potential whistleblower protections under the False Claims Act and to discuss with an attorney how to prepare for potential retaliation or aggressive attacks by the employer or contractor that is committing the Medicare fraud. For more information on this topic please go to the following web page on False Claims Act Lawsuit Whistleblower Protections.
Health Care Professionals and Retirement Community Employees Should Not Delay In Reporting Home Health Care Fraud and Retirement Center Medicare Fraud
It is also essential to not delay in coming forward with a False Claim Act Medicare Fraud Whistleblower Action as the first whistleblower to file is eligible to be a relator and make a large recovery for exposing the fraud. Additionally, when the fraudulent scheme is exposed, the people that kept the fraud secret can sometimes be found liable for criminal activity for not exposing the fraud that was being committed and further be held liable for continuing criminal activity.
Medicare fraud whistleblower lawyer, Jason S. Coomer helps Medicare fraud whistleblowers that are aware of systematic Medicare fraud including health care providers that are committing upcoding, illegal kickbacks, charging for unnecessary services and procedures, charging for services not provided, double billing, or bill padding, feel free to contact Medicare Fraud Lawyer, Jason Coomer with any questions that you might have.
Medicare Recipients Are Needed to Expose Texas Retirement Community Medicare Fraud, Texas Nursing Home Medicare Fraud, Texas Home Health Care Fraud, Texas Hospice Medicare Fraud, Retirement Community Health Care Fraud, Texas Hospital Medicare Fraud and Other Forms of Medicare Billing Fraud
Medicare Recipient Whistleblowers may also be a relator that discovers systematic Medicare fraud and receive a large Medicare fraud whistleblower recovery from the government. The Medicare recipient must 1) obtain original and specialized information of significant fraud and 2) be the first to file regarding the specific Medicare fraud to recover a large reward for reporting the fraud. Follow this link for Medicare Recipient Whistleblower Lawsuit Information.
Texas Retirement Community Medicare Fraud Lawyer, Texas Home Health Care Fraud Lawyer, Retirement Community Fraud Lawyer, Medicare Home Health Care Fraud Whistleblower Lawyer, Systematic Medicare Billing Fraud Lawyer, Medicare Reimbursement Fraud Lawyer, and Texas Medicare Fraud Whistleblower Lawyer
Health care companies and Retirement Communities that are taking advantage of Seniors, Medicare, and Medicaid by committing Medicare home health fraud scams and Medicare retirement community health care fraud scheme are being brought to justice by whistleblowers and law enforcement. Medicare Home Health Care Fraud Lawyer and Texas Retirement Community Lawyer Jason Coomer is working with other powerful Medicare fraud lawyers to help Medicare fraud whistleblowers blow the whistle on systematic Medicare fraud. He works with San Antonio Retirement Community Medicare Fraud Lawyers, Dallas Retirement Community Medicare Fraud Lawyers, Houston Retirement Community Medicare Fraud Lawyers, El Paso Retirement Community Medicare Fraud Lawyers, and other Texas Retirement Community Medicare Fraud Lawyers as well as with Home Health Care Medicare Fraud Lawyers throughout the nation to blow the whistle on fraud that hurts the United States.
If you are aware of systematic retirement community Medicare fraud or home health care fraud and are the original source knowledge of the Medicare fraud, it is important that you are the first to step forward to blow the whistle on the systematic Medicare fraud. If you are a Medicare Fraud Whistleblower that has evidence of a fraudulent Medicaid billing scam, a Medicare kickback scam, Medicaid kickbacks, or other systematic Medicare fraud, please feel free to contact Medicare Fraud Lawyer Jason Coomer via e-mail message or our submission form.
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