Texas Nursing Home Medicare Fraud Lawyer Represents Nursing Home Medicare Fraud Whistleblowers and Nursing Home Medicaid Fraud Whistleblowers That Expose Nursing Home Medicare Fraud and Nursing Home Medicaid Fraud That Is Being Committed At Skilled Nursing Facilities by Texas Nursing Home Medicare Fraud Lawyer and Texas Nursing Home Medicaid Fraud Lawyer Jason S. Coomer
Nursing Home Medicare Fraud Whistleblowers and Nursing Home Medicaid Fraud Whistleblowers are needed to expose nursing home Medicare fraud and nursing home Medicaid fraud that is being committed at some skilled nursing facilities and is costing Medicare, Medicaid, and Tricare hundreds of millions in fraudulent billing. Many of these nursing homes and assisted living facilities are run by corporations, nursing home administrators, therapists, doctors, and nurses that value profits over quality of care and commit Medicare, Medicaid, and Tricare fraud.
If you are aware of a assisted living facility that is committing Nursing Home Medicare Billing Fraud, feel free to contact Texas Nursing Home Medicare Fraud Lawyer and Texas Nursing Home Medicaid Fraud Lawyer Jason Coomer via e-mail message or our submission form about a potential Nursing Home or Elder Care Medicare Fraud Whistleblower Qui Tam Claim Law Suit.
Nursing Home Medicare Fraud Whistleblowers and Nursing Home Medicaid Fraud Whistleblowers That Expose Nursing Home False Billing, Double Billing, Unnecessary Procedures, Upcoding, and Outlier Payment Fraud Can Receive Large Financial Rewards For Properly Exposing SNF Fraud
Too often, our most vulnerable citizens are the ones that are taken advantage of, so special attention is needed to prevent and prosecute these crimes. Each year Medicare and Medicaid spend over $120 billion on long-term care services, including nursing homes. At the same time, research shows that 11 percent of our seniors report experiencing at least one form of abuse, neglect, or exploitation and health care fraud is estimated to be between 6 and 12 percent of this cost.
Systematic Nursing Home Medicare Fraud including upcoding, manipulation of outlier payments to Medicare, illegal kickbacks, charging for unnecessary services and procedures, charging for services not provided, double billing, and bill padding, can be difficult to detect and require an inside whisteblower such as a hospital administrator, nurse, therapist, physician's assistant, or doctor to stop the Medicare fraud. Though it can be difficult for the medical professional to blow the whistle on Nursing Home Medicare Fraud and others in their profession, health care professionals that are complicit and allow others to commit nursing home Medicare fraud may be subjecting themselves to liability and find that they can be held liable and be at risk for failing to report known nursing home Medicare fraud.
Nursing home administrators and other nursing home professionals can be reluctant to report instances of hospital Medicare fraud because of potential retribution that can be taken against them including loss of job and damage to career. However, provisions of the Federal False Claims Act provide protections to whistleblowers and recent amendments to the Federal False Claims Act have been expanded to protect whistleblowers from retribution.
If you are aware of Nursing Home Medicare Fraud, it is important to obtain evidence of the upcoding, manipulation of outlier payments to Medicare, illegal kickbacks, charging for unnecessary services and procedures, charging for services not provided, double billing, bill padding, or other hospital medicare fraud, then contact a medicare fraud lawyer that can assist you with a potential nursing home or elder care medicare fraud qui tam whistleblower lawsuit.
Civil Healthcare Fraud Allegations Settled for $1.4 million (U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Alabama)
From 2002 until May 2007, the defendants caused false claims for utilization review services to be presented in cost reports to the Medicare Program. Although Medicare guidelines state that only payments made to physicians for their services on UR committees are allowable as cost claims for a skilled nursing facility, the Kings and their respective companies caused certain of their skilled nursing facility clients to present claims which overstated the amount of work performed by physicians. Those false claims increased the Medicare reimbursement to these clients, resulting in losses of over $740,000 to Medicare.
This matter was brought to the attention of the United States through the filing of a qui tam complaint under the False Claims Act. The act authorizes private parties to file suit against those who defraud the United States, and to receive a share of any recovery. The whistleblower was an accountant who worked for a company that prepared cost reports for the skilled nursing facilities, which had been clients of SouthernCare. After conducting its investigation, the United States, on April 30, 2008, intervened in the qui tam action with respect to Bill King, Marie King, King & Associates, and SouthernCare.
Relators that Blow the Whistle on Nursing Home Medicare Fraud Can Receive Large Amounts of Compensation for Successful Assisted Living Facility Medicare Fraud Qui Tam Lawsuits (False Claims Act Lawsuits)
Anyone who defrauds the government out of revenue can be held accountable under the False Claims Act. Common defendants include defense contractors, health care providers, other government contractors & subcontractors, state and local government agencies, and private universities. Whistleblowers often include current and former employees of the defrauding company, competitors of government contractors and public interest groups. For more information on Qui Tam Claims and Whistleblower Lawsuits, please go to the following Qui Tam, Whistleblower, and Federal False Claims Act Information Center.
Texas Nursing Home Medicare Fraud Lawyer and Texas Nursing Home Medicaid Fraud Lawyer Jason S. Coomer Commonly Works with Nursing Home Medicare Fraud Lawyers and Nursing Home Medicaid Fraud Lawyers Throughout The United States on Large Chain Nursing Home Fraud Lawsuits
If you are aware of a nursing home or a chain nursing home that is committing upcoding, manipulation of outlier payments to Medicare, illegal kickbacks, charging for unnecessary services and procedures, charging for services not provided, double billing, bill padding, or other hospital medicare fraud, it is important to report it. Further, if you are interested in becoming a qui tam whistelblower relator and potentially obtaining a portion of the money that is recovered and obtaining protections under the Federal False Claims Act, feel free to contact Nursing Home Medicare Fraud Lawyer, Jason Coomer. As a Texas Nursing Home Medicare Fraud Lawyer, he works with other powerful qui tam Medicare Fraud Whistleblower lawyers that handle large Skilled Nursing Facilities SNF Medicare Fraud cases. He works with San Antonio Nursing Home Medicare Fraud Lawyers, Dallas Elder Care Medicare Fraud Lawyers, Houston Long Term Care Medicare Fraud Lawyers, and other Texas Medicare Part A or Part B Fraud Lawyers as well as with Assisted Living Facility Medicare Fraud Lawyers throughout the nation to blow the whistle on Medicare fraud that hurts the United States.
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