Texas Will Contest Lawsuits and Texas Contested Probate Lawsuits Are Becoming More Common As Several Factors Are Creating Environments Where Many Families Are Having To Litigate Fraudulent Wills, Invalid Wills, Defective Wills, and other Texas Inheritance Issues by Austin Texas Will Contest Lawyer, Texas Large Estate Will Contest Lawyer, and Texas Family Inheritance Litigation Lawyer Jason S. Coomer
Texas Will Contest Lawsuits, Texas Contested Probate Lawsuits, and Texas Family Inheritance Lawsuits are increasing and are expected to continue to increase as several factors are creating fraudulent wills, defectives wills, and other invalid wills. As such, there is a demand for experienced Texas Will contest lawyers, Texas probate litigation lawyers, and Texas family inheritance lawyers that can handle these contested probate cases and help families resolve contested probate and inheritance issues. For questions regarding a potential Texas Will contest lawsuit, Texas contested probate lawsuit, or Texas family inheritance lawsuit, please feel free to send an e-mail message to Texas Will Contest Lawyer Jason S. Coomer or use our contact form to submit an inquiry regarding a Texas Will Contest Lawsuit.
Several Factors Including an Aging Population, "Do It Yourself" Wills, Discovery of Wealth including Mineral Interests, and a Global Society Where Families Live Further Apart In Proximity Are All Causing an Increase in Texas Will Contest Lawsuits, Texas Interference With Inheritance Rights Lawsuits and Texas Contested Probate Lawsuits
Several factors including an aging population, do it yourself Wills, discovery of family wealth including mineral interests, and proximity of families living in different locations are all contributing to the increase in Texas Will contest lawsuits, Texas contested probate lawsuits, and Texas family inheritance lawsuits. These factors are creating an environment where many Wills may not be valid or trusted by family members.
There are several different scenarios as to how these Texas Will contest lawsuits and Texas contested Probate lawsuits begin. In some scenarios, an aging or elderly person is forced or fraudulently tricked into signing a Will by someone that is living with them or close to them. In these situations the person exerting undue influence on the elderly person can be a family member or an outsider that has access to the elderly person. The Will can be a do it yourself Will, a forged Will, holographic Will, or other more formal Will. The key in these situations is to determine if the Will is valid and if the Will is an unnatural disposition of property that was made under undue influence or incompetence.
Many Families have Spread Out Across The United States and Throughout the World, Therefore it is Often Helpful to Hire a Texas Probate Lawyer to Assist with the Texas Probate Process and to Handle Estate Issues
Many families have spread out throughout the United States and around the World. For many families, gone is the time where several generations live with in a few miles of each other in the same town, city, or county. This lack of proximity can make it difficult, when a family member in Texas passes away. This can be especially true when a new Will pops up that disinherits relatives living in other states or other parts of the World in favor of someone that has had access and influence over the decedent.
In these situations, the family members that live out of state are often caught off guard and need help from a Texas Will contest lawyer that is familiar with the Texas probate process, Texas probate law and Texas probate courts. For these family members it can be extremely important to act quickly and hire a Texas Will contest lawyer that can help expose an invalid or fraudulent Will.
With The Growing Popularity of Do It Yourself Wills Texas Will Contests, Fraudulent Wills, Forged Wills, and other Texas Contested Probate Lawsuits will become More Common
As do it yourself Wills and other do it yourself estate planning packages become more popular, many Texas families are opting to save money in the short term by using these cheap Will packages. However, some of these do it yourself Wills are not compliant under Texas probate law and do not come with a Texas probate lawyer that can make sure that a valid Texas will has been created. In some of these situations, the do it yourself will can be determined to be an invalid Will and can result in the Will being thrown out and a prior Will or no Will being able to be probated. In both instances, the wishes of the decedent will not be adhered to and either earlier testate dispositions will be used or Texas intestate dispositions will be used.
Both earlier testate dispositions and Texas intestate dispositions can cause a huge change in inheritance and can cause some beneficiaries and heirs to lose a significant amount of inheritance. These shifts in inheritance can often result in Texas contested probate lawsuits.
What is a Texas Will Contest Lawsuit?
A Texas Will Contest Lawsuit is a lawsuit filed by a potential heir or beneficiary that believes a Will is invalid. A Will can be contested and determined to be invalid for several reasons including 1) the Will was written under the influence from another person, 2) the Decedent was not of sound mind when the Will was written, 3) the Will is a forged or fraudulent document, 4) the Will is not up to date and leaves out children or does not take into account a divorce or remarriage, 5) the Will was not witnessed or signed correctly, and 6) the Will was improperly done and does not comply with Texas law.
When can a Texas Will Contest Be Filed?
The Texas Probate Code gives interested persons two years after a Will has been admitted to probate to institute a suit to contest a Will. There are two exceptions to this rule that can extend this statute of limitations beyond two years. These exceptions include 1) contests based upon forgery or fraud or 2) contests brought on behalf of an incapacitated person (such as a minor) who recovers capacity.
Texas Will Lawyer, Texas Inheritance Lawyer, Texas Probate Lawyer, Texas Guardianship Lawyer, and Texas Trust Lawyer (Austin Texas Probate Litigation Lawyer)
As an Austin Texas Will contest Lawyer, Austin Texas Inheritance Lawyer, Austin Texas Guardianship Lawyer, and Texas Probate Litigation Lawyer, Jason S. Coomer handles Texas will contest lawsuits, Texas will probate lawsuits, Texas inheritance lawsuits, Texas guardianship lawsuits, Texas contested guardianship lawsuits, Texas trust lawsuits, Texas breach of fiduciary duty lawsuits, and other Texas probate matters in the Austin and Central Texas area. He also works with other Texas probate lawyers throughout Texas, the United States, and the World on large estates with assets in multiple jurisdictions.
For more information on Texas Inheritance and Probate Law, please go to the following web pages:
Texas Will Probate Lawyer, Estate Lawyer, and Inheritance Lawyer
Texas Real Estate, Oil Royalty, & Mineral Interest Inheritance Lawyer
Texas Breach of Fiduciary Duty Lawyer (Executors, Guardians, Trustees)
Texas Oil Royalty Lawyer and Mineral Interest Inheritance Lawyer
Texas Will Contest Lawyers, Austin Texas Will Contest Lawyers, Texas Large Estate Will Contest Lawyers, Texas Probate Litigation Lawyers, and Texas Family Inheritance Litigation Lawyers
Texas Will Contest Lawyer Jason Coomer commonly works with other Texas Will contest lawyers on large Texas estate lawsuits, large will contests in the United States, and large international will contest lawsuits. He and his co-counsel commonly represents heirs, family members, and beneficiaries that have been fraudulently or wrongfully left out of a Will. He handles contested Wills in Travis County, Williamson County, Bexar County, and Hays County as well as works with other Texas Will contest lawyers across Texas and the United States on large Will Contest cases.
Texas Will Contest Lawyer, Austin Texas Will Contest Lawyer, Texas Large Estate Will Contest Lawyer, Texas Probate Litigation Lawyer, and Texas Family Inheritance Litigation Lawyer
Texas Will Contest Lawyer, Jason Coomer handles handles contested Wills in Travis County, Williamson County, Bexar County, and Hays County as well as works with other Texas probate lawyers across Texas including Dallas County, Harris County, Fort Bend County, and Tarrant County works to draft Wills and Trusts to protect the wishes and best interests of his clients. He works with Houston Probate Lawyers, Dallas Probate Lawyers, and several other Texas Probate Lawyer. For questions regarding a potential Texas Will contest lawsuit, Texas contested probate lawsuit, or Texas family inheritance lawsuit, please feel free to send an e-mail message to Texas Will Contest Lawyer Jason S. Coomer or use our contact form to submit an inquiry regarding a Texas Will Contest Lawsuit.
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