Texas Probate Financial Fraud & Medicare Fraud Lawyer Handles Estate Whistleblower Lawsuits, Probate Representative Systematic Medicare Fraud Whistleblower Lawsuits, Probate Financial Fraud Bounty Action Lawsuits, Executor Whistleblower Medicare Fraud Lawsuits, and Financial Fraud Whistleblower Lawsuits by Texas Probate Financial Fraud & Medicare Fraud Lawyer Jason Coomer
Executors, Administrators, and Probate Lawyers are uncovering systematic Medicare fraud when going through estate medical bills and securities fraud when going through estate financial documents. These executors, administrators, and probate lawyers as well as friends and family of a decedent that discover evidence of systematic Medicare fraud or securities fraud should report the fraud and can potentially help make a recovery for reporting the fraud.
For more information on reporting substantial systematic Medicare Fraud or financial fraud, feel free to contact Medicare Fraud Lawyer Jason Coomer via e-mail message or use our submission form.
Probate Whistleblower Systematic Medicare Fraud Lawsuit, Probate Medicare Billing Fraud Lawsuit, Executor Whistleblower Medicare Reimbursement Fraud Lawsuit, Administrator Whistleblower Medicare Fraud Lawsuit, and Medicare Fraud Whistleblower Lawsuit Information
Some health care providers have found it profitable to take advantage of the Medicare system and elderly people. By committing systematic Medicare fraud including double billing, upcoding, phantom billing, billing for unnecessary services, billing for services not provided, and several other forms of billing fraud, some health care providers are making millions of dollars at the expense of the elderly and United States tax payers. Fortunately, some executors, administrators, and probate lawyers are beginning to uncover systematic Medicare fraud when going through estate medical bills and are reporting dishonest nursing homes, hospice companies, home health care companies, therapists, dentists, hospitals, and other health care providers committing systematic Medicare fraud. For more information on systematic Medicare fraud whistleblower lawsuits, feel free to go to the following web pages:
Hospital Medicare Fraud Lawsuit Information and Health Care System Fraud Lawsuit Information
Medicaid and Medicare Fraud Illegal Kickback Lawsuit Information
Medicare Compliance, Coding, and Reimbursement Whistleblower Lawsuit Information
Medicare Billing Fraud Lawsuit and Medicare Fraud Qui Tam Claim Lawsuit Information
Dentist Medicare Fraud Lawsuit and Dentist Medicaid Fraud Lawsuit Information
If you are the executor or administrator of an estate, it is important to realize that systematic Medicare fraud can include double billing; upcoding; phantom billing; billing for tests not performed; performing inappropriate or unnecessary procedures; triple billing; charging for equipment, services or supplies never delivered or prescribed; billing for new equipment or supplies, but providing the patient with used equipment; offering free services or supplies in exchange for use of a Medicare number; unbundling; code jamming; submitting false cost reports to seek higher Medicare reimbursements than permitted by actual facts; allowing unqualified health care providers to bill for services that they should not provide; falsely seeking hospice care for patients not qualified, and allowing under qualified providers to bill for services that they should not provide. If in reviewing bills for medical services, there is evidence of systematic Medicare fraud, it is important to verify the fraud and then properly report the fraud.
Probate Financial Fraud Bounty Action Whistleblower Lawsuit, Probate Retirement Fund Fraud Lawsuit, Executor Whistleblower Securities Fraud Lawsuit, Administrator Whistleblower Pension Fraud Lawsuit, and Probate Whistleblower Investment Fraud Lawsuit Information
Executors, administrators, and probate lawyers are also discovering investment fraud, retirement fund fraud, securities fraud, and commodity fraud, when going through estate financial documents. These executors, administrators, and probate lawyers as well as friends and family that discovery original evidence of securities fraud should report the fraud and can potentially help make a recovery for reporting the fraud. For more information on financial fraud whistleblower lawsuits, feel free to go to the following web pages:
Medicare Fraud Lawsuit Information, Texas Medicare Fraud Whistleblower Lawsuit Information, Texas False Medicare Billing Lawsuit Information, Medicare Coding Fraud Whistleblower Lawsuit Information, and Medicare Compliance Fraud Lawsuit Information by Texas Medicare Fraud Lawyer
Medicare and Medicaid billing fraud scams are costing the United States an estimated one hundred billion dollars ($100,000,000,000.00) each year and with approximately 10,000 new people gaining Medicare benefits each day, the cost of Medicare billing scams including upcoding, double billing, unnecessary services, and billing for services not needed is predicted to continue to increase.
To combat Medicare Billing Fraud Scams and Medicaid Billing Fraud Scams, the United States government has amended the Federal False Claims Act to encourage more Medicare Fraud whistleblowers to step up and blow the whistle on Medicare Fraud. Medicare Billing Fraud Whistleblowers and Medicare Payment Fraud Whistleblowers that are the original source of specialized knowledge of Medicare Fraud can make substantial recoveries if they are the first to file a successful qui tam claim under the Federal False Claims Act.
In addition, the United States Government is encouraging people including administrators, executors, and probate attorneys with special knowledge of systematic Medicare fraud, financial fraud, and securities fraud with new whistleblower bounty actions and amendments to the Federal False Claims Act that provide economic incentives for whistleblowers that have original evidence of and are the first to file on substantial Medicare fraud, Financial Fraud, and other forms of fraud.
Medicare Fraud Lawyer, Medicare Billing Fraud Lawyer, Medicare Reimbursement Fraud Lawyer, and Medicare Fraud Whistleblower Lawyer (Texas Medicare Fraud Lawyer Jason S. Coomer)
By checking Medicare Summary Notice (MSN) and medical bills, a Medicare recipient, estate representative, probate lawyer, or executor may discover systematic Medicare fraud that can result in a large Medicare fraud whistleblower recovery. Medicare fraud whistleblowers that are able 1) to obtain original and specialized information of significant fraud and 2) are the first to file regarding the specific Medicare fraud can save taxpayers millions of dollars and may recover a large reward for reporting the fraud. If you are aware and have evidence of a large health care provider that is committing systematic Medicare billing fraud including double billing, phantom billing, illegal kickbacks, upcoding, bill padding or systematic Medicare fraud, feel free to contact systematic Medicare Fraud Whistleblower Lawyer Jason Coomer via e-mail message or our submission form about a potential qui tam claim.
Medicare Fraud Lawsuit Information, Texas Medicare Fraud Whistleblower Lawsuit Information, Texas False Medicare Billing Lawsuit Information, Medicare Coding Fraud Whistleblower Lawsuit Information, and Medicare Compliance Fraud Lawsuit Information by Texas Medicare Fraud Lawyer
Texas Medicare Fraud Lawyer, Jason S. Coomer, is working with Medicare Fraud Whistleblowers to expose Medicare fraud and blow the whistle on criminals that are fraudulently stealing from the United States and the Medicare program.
Below are some press releases regarding exposing systematic Medicare Fraud, CHAMPUS fraud, and Medicaid Fraud.
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Coastal Emergency Physicians Group of Texas, P.A., will pay the United States and Texas $268,460 to settle allegations that Medicus Medical Group, which Coastal acquired in January 1993, received over payments from federal health insurance programs based on false claims submitted by Medicus' billing company, the Department of Justice announced today.
Assistant Attorney General Frank W. Hunger of the Civil Division said Coastal, an emergency physician staffing company, made the payment to resolve allegations of false billings by Medicus to the Medicare, Medicaid and CHAMPUS programs.
The Department said Medicus hired an Oklahoma City billing company, Emergency Physicians Billing Services (EPBS), to submit claims on its behalf to federal and state health care programs. EPBS then submitted false Medicare, Medicaid and CHAMPUS claims on Medicus' behalf for patients seen by Medicus physicians. The United States alleged that EPBS typically changed the codes of claims submitted to the agencies and billed for services more extensive than those actually provided by Medicus' physicians.
The agreement settles a dispute with Coastal originally brought as a qui tam case in U.S. District Court in Oklahoma City. As part of the settlement, the estate of Theresa Semtner, who filed the suit on behalf of the United States, will receive approximately $47,394. This is in addition to the $1.5 million the estate will receive from a recent settlement with another defendant in the action, EmCare Inc. The United States is continuing to pursue recoveries against EPBS and its other customers.
The case, United States ex rel. Semtner v. Emergency Physicians Billing Services, Civil Action No. Civ-94-617-(C) (W.D. OK), was conducted by the Civil Division with the assistance of the Department of Health and Human Service's offices of Inspector General in Washington, D.C., and Dallas, Texas; the Oklahoma City office of the FBI; the Tulsa Resident Agency of the Defense Criminal Investigative Service; the Program Integrity Branch of the Office of CHAMPUS; the Office of Inspector General for the Office of Personnel Management in Washington, D.C.; and various state attorneys general Medicaid Fraud Control Units around the country. Additional audit support was provided by Xact, the Medicare intermediary in Pennsylvania.
WASHINGTON, D.C. An emergency physician group in Michigan will pay the
United States and the state of Michigan $1.6 million to settle allegations that the group submitted false claims through its billing company, the Department of Justice announced today. Today's settlement resolves allegations that the group, Medical Center Emergency Services, P.C., overcharged Medicare, Medicaid, the Department of Defense's TRICARE program and the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHBP).
The Department said that Medical Center Emergency Services hired Emergency Physicians Billing Services (EPBS) to submit claims on its behalf to federal and state health care programs. The Oklahoma City billing company then submitted false Medicare, Medicaid, TRICARE and FEHBP claims on the group's behalf for patients seen by Medical Center Emergency Services physicians. The Department said that EPBS typically upcoded claims and billed for services more extensive than those actually provided by the physicians.
"This settlement is yet another example of the United States' commitment to protecting federal funds from fraud and abuse committed by physicians and health care billing companies," said Assistant Attorney General Robert D. McCallum, Jr. of the Department's Civil Division.
The agreement settles a dispute with the group originally brought as a qui tam or whistleblower case in the United States District Court in Oklahoma City. As part of the settlement, the estate of Theresa Semtner, which filed the suit on behalf of the United States, will receive approximately $279,943. Ms. Semtner was a former employee of EPBS. This settlement is the latest in a series of settlements with other EPBS clients. The United States settled with EPBS in October 1999.
The case was conducted by the Justice Department's Civil Division with the assistance of the Office of the Inspector General, Department of Health and Human Services in Washington, D.C.; the Oklahoma City office of the FBI; the Tulsa Resident Agency of the Defense Criminal Investigative Service; the Program Integrity Branch of the TRICARE Program, the United States Department of Defense; the Office of Inspector General for the Office of Personnel Management in Washington, D.C.; and the Michigan Medicaid Fraud Control Unit.
Federal False Claims Act Whistleblower Lawyer,
Systematic Medicare Fraud Whistleblower Lawyer, Systematic
Medicaid Fraud Whistleblower Lawyer, Off Label Marketing
Lawyer, False Medicare Billing Fraud Lawyer, and Texas Qui
Tam Lawyer
(Medicaid Fraud, Contractor Fraud, and Medicare Fraud
As a Texas Federal False Claims Act Whistleblower Lawyer Jason Coomer handles Medicare fraud lawsuits, Medicaid fraud lawsuits, defense contractor fraud lawsuits, securities fraud bounty actions, Medicare fraud whistleblower lawsuits, dentist CHIP fraud and Medicaid fraud lawsuits, IRS fraud lawsuits, Texas breach of fiduciary duty lawsuits, and other Qui Tam lawsuits. He also works with other Medicare fraud lawyers and False Claims Act lawyers throughout Texas and the United States on large False Claims Act Lawsuits.
For more information on False Claim Act Lawsuits, please go to the following web pages:
Hospital Medicare Fraud and Health Care System Fraud Lawsuits
Federal Health Care Program Kickback, Referral, and Bribery Lawsuits
Retirement Fund Fraud Lawyer and Retirement Account Fraud Lawyer
Commodities Fraud Whistleblower Lawsuits & Investment Fraud Lawsuits
Securities Fraud Whistleblower Bounty Actions & Financial Fraud Lawsuits
Pharmaceutical Marketing Fraud Qui Tam Whistleblower Lawsuits
Dentist Medicaid Fraud and Orthodontist Medicaid Fraud Lawsuits
Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance Defects and Dangerous Drug Lawsuits
Nursing Home, Elder Care, & Skilled Nursing Facilities Medicare Fraud
Off-label Pharmaceutical Marketing Fraud Whistleblower Claims
Hospital Formulary Drug Fraud & Off Label Marketing Fraud Lawsuits
Drug & Medical Device Marketing Fraud Medicare Qui Tam Lawsuits
Medicare Compliance, Coding, and Reimbursement Whistleblower Lawsuits
Medicare Billing Fraud Lawsuits and Medicare Fraud Qui Tam Claims
Dentist CHIP Fraud Lawsuits and Dental Medicaid Billing Fraud Lawsuits
Qui Tam, Whistleblower, and Government Contractor Fraud Claims
Hospital Administrator Whistleblower Medicare Fraud Lawsuits
Medicare Fraud Whistleblower Lawsuit, Medicare Reimbursement Whistleblower Lawsuit, Executor Medicare Fraud Whistleblower Lawsuit, and Medicare Fraud and Kickback Lawsuit Information
Estate representative whistleblowers, executor whistleblowers, administrator whistleblowers, and probate lawyer whistleblowers are stepping up and exposing Medicare fraud that is costing taxpayers millions. The economic incentive for these probate and estate representative whistleblowers, administrator whistleblowers, and probate whistleblowers is that if they are an original source with special knowledge of fraud and are the first to file, a portion of the money that the government recovers can be rewarded to the proper whistleblower. Depending on the extent of the fraud, qui tam recoveries for the government have been in the billions of dollars and whistleblower recoveries have been in the hundreds of millions of dollars.
There are several keys to a successful False Claims Act Qui Tam Whistleblower action including 1) obtaining original and specialized information of the fraud, 2) being the first to file regarding the specific fraud, and 3) protecting the whistleblower for retaliation.
Original and Specialized Information of Fraud is Essential for a Systematic Medicare Fraud Whistleblower Lawsuit, Probate Medicare Fraud Whistleblower Lawsuit, Financial Investment Fraud Bounty Action Lawsuit, or Estate Representative Whistleblower Lawsuit
People with specialized knowledge and evidence of systematic Medicare fraud and large financial fraud such as estate administrators, representatives, and executors, can be the source for original and specialized information that leads to a recovery from a large health care provider, corporation, or financial institute.
Being the First to File on the Fraud is Essential for Recovery Under the False Claims Act and Financial Fraud Bounty Actions
It is also essential to not delay in coming forward with a False Claim Act Qui Tam Action as the first whistleblower to file is eligible to be a relator and make a large recovery for exposing the fraud.
Medicare Fraud Whistleblower Protection, Medicare Reimbursement Whistleblower Protection, Medicare Compliance Whistleblower Protection, and Financial Investment Fraud Whistleblower Protection
It is also important to understand potential whistleblower protections under the False Claims Act and to discuss with an attorney how to prepare for potential retaliation or aggressive attacks by the employer or contractor. For more information on this topic please go to the following web page on False Claims Act Lawsuit Whistleblower Protections.
Estate Whistleblower Systematic Medicare Fraud Lawyer, Probate Medicare Billing Fraud Lawyer, Executor Whistleblower Medicare Reimbursement Fraud Lawyer, and Medicare Fraud Whistleblower Lawyer
Health care companies that are committing Medicare billing fraud scams are being brought to justice by whistleblowers and law enforcement. Medicare Fraud Lawyer Jason Coomer is working with other powerful Medicare fraud lawyers to help Medicare fraud whistleblowers blow the whistle on Medicare fraud. He works with San Antonio Medicare Fraud Lawyers, Dallas Medicare Fraud Lawyers, Houston Medicare Fraud Lawyers, El Paso Medicare Fraud Lawyers, and other Texas Medicare Fraud Lawyers as well as with Medicare Fraud Lawyers throughout the nation to blow the whistle on fraud that hurts the United States.
If you are aware of Medicare fraud and are the original source knowledge of Medicare Fraud or Hospital Medicare Billing Fraud, it is important that you are the first to step forward to blow the whistle on the Medicare Billing fraud. If you are a Medicare Fraud Whistleblower that is aware of fraudulent Medicaid billing scam, Medicare kickbacks, Medicaid kickbacks or other Medicare billing fraud scams, feel free to contact Medicare Fraud Lawyer Jason Coomer via e-mail message or our submission form.
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